
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

Resolution 02-21 (Passed) download

Resolution 02-21 To Rescind Resolution 97-14, Resolution 97-16, Resolution 00-15, and Resolution 00-16 and Terminate Tax Deduction for Certain Manufacturing Equiment Re: 311 West Hillside Drive

Ordinance 02-20 (Passed) download

Ordinance 02-20 An Ordinance Reviewing and Modifying the Budget of the Bloomington Public Transportation Corporation for the Year 2003 

Resolution 02-20 (Passed) download

Resolution 02-20 To Authorize and Approve the Execution of a Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the City of Bloomington and the Fraternal Order of Police

Ordinance 02-19 (Passed) download

Ordinance 02-19 An Ordinance Fixing the Salaries of Appointed Officers and Employees of the Utilities Department of the City of Bloomington, Monroe County, Indiana for the Year 2003 

Ordinance 02-18 (Passed) download

Ordinance 02-18 An Ordinance Fixing the Salaries of Appointed Officers and Employees of the City of Bloomington for the Year 2003 

Ordinance 02-16 (Passed) download

Ordinance 02-16 To Amend the Preliminary Plan for the Thomson Area Planned Unit Development (PUD) Re: 1700 S. Rogers Street (Monroe County Commissioners, Petitioner) 

Resolution 02-16 (Passed) download

Resolution 02-16 Authorizing the Allocation of the Jack Hopkins Social Services Program Funds for the Year 2002 and Other Related Matters 

Ordinance 02-15 (Passed) download

Ordinance 02-15 To Amend Chapter 2.12 of the Bloomington Municipal Code Entitled "Bloomington Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Commission" (Approving a Formal Role for the Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Commission in the Planning Petition Review Process) 

Ordinance 02-14 (Passed) download

Ordinance 02-14 To Amend Chapter 2.34 of the Bloomington Municipal Code Entitled "Firefighter Collective Bargaining" (Adding Captains to the Collective Bargaining Unit)

Ordinance 02-13 (Passed) download

Ordinance 02-13 An Ordinance Fixing the Salaries of Officers of the Police and Fire Departments for the City of Bloomington, Indiana, for the Year 2003

Resolution 02-12 (Passed) download

Resolution 02-12 To Rescind Portions of Resolution 96-06 and Resolution 96-07 in Order to Terminate the Tax Deduction Re: 526 North Morton (Cassady, Ferguson, Seeber and Seeber, Property Owners) 

Appropriation Ordinance 02-12 (Not Introduced) download

Appropriation Ordinance 02-12 To Specifically Appropriate From the General Fund (Controller) Expenditures No Otherwise Appropriated (Appropriating Funds for the Establishment of the Corporation for Cultural Tourism and to Grant Funds to Indiana University for Projects Consistent with the Cultural Tourism Strategic Plan)