
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

Resolution 74-50 (Passed) download

Resolution 74-50 A Resolution Appreciating the Bloomington Police Department for Assuming Responsibility For and Added Burden of Directing Automobile and Pedestrian Traffic at Indiana University Football Games

Resolution 74-47 (Passed) download

Resolution 74-47 A Resolution Requesting that the Plan Commission Review the Matter of the Location of Parking Lots and Prepare Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance Which Will Correct an Omission from the Current Zoning Ordinance

Resolution 74-45 (Passed) download

Resolution 74-45 Budget Transfers Within City Court ($200), Drug Commission ($61.48), Environmental Commission ($350), Human Rights Commission ($100), Parks & Recreation ($15,250)

Resolution 74-43 (Passed) download

Resolution 74-43 A Resolution Commending Larry Walcoff, National Instructional Television and Those Agencies Which have Funded "Inside-Out"

Resolution 74-42 (Passed) download

Resolution 74-42 A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Bloomington, Indiana, Requesting that the State of Indiana Acting by and Through the Department of Commerce Make Application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development for a Grant to Provide Planning Assistance for a Planning Project for the City of Bloomington and Pledging In-Kind Services or Funds to Provide for Its Share of the Project

Resolution 74-41 (Passed) download

Resolution 74-41 Budget Transfers Within Telecommunications Council ($275), Planning Department ($100), Street Department - Federal Revenue Sharing ($34,266.56), and Transportation Department - Federal Revenue Sharing ($1,278)