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Page last updated on March 8, 2018 at 3:36 pm

The United States Census Bureau conducts a decennial census for the entire nation, the most recent being the 2010 census. The decennial census is the official count of the nation's population.

Listed below are some commonly requested census information items for the City of Bloomington. For more detailed census information, visit the official U.S. Census website. If you have questions concerning local demographic information, please contact the Planning and Transportation Department.

Quick 2010 Census Facts for Bloomington, Indiana

  • Total City of Bloomington population: 80,405* (estimated to be 84,067 in 2015)
  • Total Monroe County population: 137,974* (estimated to be 144,705 in 2015)
  • Median Age: 23.4 years old
  • Total Size of the City of Bloomington: 23.16 sq. miles
  • Total Bloomington Housing Units: 33,239
  • Total Bloomington Occupied Housing Units: 31,425

* All population numbers include Indiana University students.

The most recent population estimate was conducted in July 2015 by the U.S. Census Bureau. These population estimates are made by applying a distributive housing unit method. The numbers of housing units in cities or counties were estimated by using data for building permits, mobile home shipments and calculations of housing unit loss. Please note that this number is simply an estimate - the next full population count for Bloomington will occur with the 2020 Census.

City of Bloomington 2010 Census Data

  • 2010 Census: Bloomington Demographic Profile - 2010 American FactFinder snapshot of population and housing information for Bloomington.
  • American FactFinder - you can find popular facts (population, income, etc.) and frequently requested data about your community.
  • American Community Survey (ACS) - a national household survey that's collected monthly which provides communities with reliable and timely demographic, housing, social and economic data every year. The ACS replaces the decennial census long form.
  • U.S. Census Bureau - The official website for the U.S. Census Bureau has detailed population, economic and geographical data for the entire nation.
  • 2010 Census Interactive Data Map - This great interactive link contains more detailed demographic data from the 2010 U.S. Census. You can view census information either for large geographic areas, or all the way down to the block level. See detailed instructions on how to use this feature below:
    • To get started: After clicking this link, you'll see a map of the United States. Select any of the 5 data tabs on the upper-right side of the screen that you're interested in (total population, race, ethnicity, age/sex or household).
    • When prompted by the "2010 Census Portrait of America" screen, type in 'Bloomington, Indiana' (or any other community you're interested in). You will then see a map of Bloomington. To find data for your selection, you will need to click on the "Geographic Levels" box in the upper left. The "Place" category will show you data for the entire City of Bloomington.
    • For more place specific levels of detail within the community: select either the "Census Tract" (large geographic areas), "Census Block Group" (more specific geographic areas) or "Census Block" (very specific geographic areas) tabs.
City of Bloomington 2000 Census Data
  • Total City of Bloomington population (2000): 69,291
  • Total Monroe County population (2000): 120,563
American Community Survey (ACS)

In addition to the decennial census, the U.S. Census Bureau coordinates the ACS. This is a nationwide survey that is designed to provide communities with a fresh look at how they are changing. The ACS collects and produces population and housing estimates every year (as opposed to the decennial census, which is the official count), allowing for a more current snapshot of community characteristics than the decennial census.

  • Bloomington ACS Quick Facts - a snapshot of ACS data for a wide number of topics for Bloomington (includes population, race, housing and households, veteran status, business and economic data and geographic information).
  • U.S. Census ACS Program - an official link that provides more detailed information regarding the Census Bureau's ACS program.

STATS Indiana

This is a website that provides a very helpful resource for a wide range of current and historic demographic information. It has thousands of data items for geographic areas in the state of Indiana (including Bloomington and Monroe County) and across the nation. It is maintained by the Indiana Business Research Center at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University.