Page last updated on March 21, 2025 at 2:53 pm
The City of Bloomington offers a number of services to residents and businesses. The most popular services are collected here.
Pay Online
Pay Water or Trash Pickup Bill
Pay your water/trash bill online with a debit or credit card
Pay Parking Citation
General information concerning parking citations, collection service and link to pay online
Pay Permit, Plan, and Code Case Fees
Pay permit, plan, and code case fees via the Civic Access Portal
Contact The City
Report an Issue
Non-emergency contact to report problems for sanitation, street, parks and recreation, and utility services
Staff Directory
The directory allows you to search for City employees by name, email or username
Contact Your City Council Representative
Residents who wish to see a specific policy enacted or changed may call or email their City Council Representative.
Contact The Mayor
Contact Mayor Kerry Thomson's Office.
Water, Sewer, & Sanitation
Sign up for Water/Sewer Service
The City of Bloomington Utilities provides water, wastewater and storm water services to Bloomington residents. This form is for residential service.
What Can I Recycle?
Type the name of a waste item and we'll tell you how to recycle or dispose of it.
Fall and Winter Tips: Options for Leaves, and Keeping Sidewalks and Storm Drains Clear
As the seasons change, the City of Bloomington reminds residents of the options for handling fallen leaves at their property and requests residents’ assistance in keeping storm drains clear of leaves and debris, and adjacent sidewalks free of leaves, snow, and ice.
Access Community Services & Resources
Helping Bloomington Monroe
Connecting ALL people in need, to the programs that serve them with dignity and ease.
Grant Opportunities
The City of Bloomington offers residents and businesses various grant opportunities.
Child Care
Resources about child care service providers in the city of Bloomington.
Apply for Benefits
Apply for City assistance and benefits online.
Business Services
Register for a Parks Program
General information for Parks program registration and online registration
Parks Facility Rentals
Information and links to Parks facilities and online rental requests
Join Twin Lakes Recreation Center
The Twin Lakes Recreation Center is a fitness center that provides members with many choices to create a fitness plan that offers variety and challenge.
Find Your Park
Bloomington is home to over 20 parks. Find the closest one to you using this tool.
Get Involved
City Jobs
Information concerning benefits of being a City of Bloomington employee and a list of jobs available for application
Information concerning applying for a city internship
Get involved! View opportunities for citizen engagement with the community and local government. Opportunities for all ages, interests, and abilities are available.
Serve on a Board or Commission
There are currently more than 30 boards and commissions that advise the Mayor and City Council on a vast array of issues.
Public Safety
Report a Hate Incident Online
The City of Bloomington strives to be a City without discrimination. But if you are a victim of a hate incident, or witness one, we encourage you to report it.
Police Online Incident Reporting
Some reports can be filed online via this form. If this is an emergency or a crime is in progress, call 911
Sign up for Smart911
Information concerning a service that allows emergency first responders to have information regarding your location and conditions prior to an emergency, aiding 911 calls
City Maps
Interactive and PDF maps.
B-Clear Open Data
B-Clear is a one-stop place to build an ever-growing assembly of useful data.
Public Records Request
The City's Legal department handles requests for public records. Sometimes these are referred to as FOIA requests or public information requests.