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Page last updated on June 5, 2023 at 10:45 am

AccessAbility Decal Screening

The AccessAbility Decal program is a project of the Council for Community Accessibility (CCA) to recognize local businesses that are accessible to persons with disabilities. Qualifying businesses are presented with a decal to display on their storefront.

For more information, contact (812) 349-3471 or

To obtain an AccessAbility decal, a business must pass an accessibility screening that checks parking; path of travel; entrance; elevators, stairs and railings; common areas; restrooms; and customer service. The CCA volunteer surveyors administer these accessibility screenings free of charge.

Businesses interested in attaining AccessAbility status or in updating their outdated decal should contact the CCA. For more information about the AccessAbility program or other accessibility information, contact Michael Shermis at (812) 349-3471 or

Accessibility Screening Checklist (PDF)
Accessibility Screening Checklist Specs (PDF)

Businesses with AccessAbility Decal (data in a table, a map, and downloadable)

Accessible Parking Checklist (PDF)
Door Poundage Guidelines (PDF)

Guidelines for Preparing Menus in Large Print (PDF)


screeningform.pdf (205.26 KB)