
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Can't Fix #138487

Sewer Problems (Sanitary Sewers): Complaint

Phone Call: Kathy was transferred to my voice mail by PW on 6/2. She said there is work starting to be done there today and they were not notified. They have lots of issues and she was told I've been with the city a long time and hopefully I know the history of this.


12/31/2015 13:26:31 Closed by Anonymous

See comment below

12/31/2015 13:25:51 Anonymous followed up on this ticket

Patrick Murphy reviewed lateral replacement and determined that SSO improvements would address issue. Have report on file with T&D for future reference.

10/2/2015 13:29:56 Anonymous assigned this case to Anonymous

6/26/2015 09:49:12 Anonymous followed up on this ticket

Scheduled to be completed 2015.

1/16/2015 14:24:15 Anonymous followed up on this ticket

Nothing will be done until spring.

10/10/2014 13:20:59 Anonymous followed up on this ticket

Patrick is working on this.

8/15/2014 13:19:17 Anonymous followed up on this ticket

Patrick Murphy has spoken to the homeowners & will get back to them when he has discussed it with Jane when she returns.

7/25/2014 10:45:12 Jane Fleig followed up on this ticket

I have not heard anything back from the homeowners.

7/18/2014 13:56:42 Anonymous followed up on this ticket

The homeowners have not responded to let us know what they want to do.

7/11/2014 16:57:15 Anonymous followed up on this ticket

Patrick spoke to the homeowners. They will call back and let us know what they want to do.

7/8/2014 10:07:36 Jane Fleig followed up on this ticket

I received a VM from Larry Deckard saying we sent Paul Young out to inspect the pipes and their insurance co, USAA, wants a copy of the report if possible. He asked me to send it to his home address. I checked with Mike Rouker to make sure he had no issues with me sharing the estimate for work (it was not an inspection report). He said that was fine. I called them to let them know it was only an estimate, not a report and spoke with Cathy. She asked where we are on this. I told her the last time we spoke, it was my understanding she would be filing a tort claim so there has been no action on our part. She said she got an estimate from Service Pro (?) for cleaning up the sewage in the basement and it's only like $300. She said she would be willing to pay for that but hopes we can still do the lateral replacement. I spoke with Patrick and he told me to tell them he would call them by Friday to discuss the issue. When I called her back, she proceeded to tell me again about how the City has allowed all this to happen and that they should have never allowed the house to be built at 500 S Eastside Dr because that vacant lot helped manage the stormwater. They went to the meetings and opposed it and Dan Sherman would remember it but the city still allowed them to build. I reminded her that the city cannot outright prohibit someone from building on their property and tried to get her back to the current lateral issue. She said it would be best for Patrick to call when her husband is home, which is after 4:15.

7/1/2014 13:58:51 Jane Fleig followed up on this ticket

Mr Deckard left a VM yesterday and I return the call today. I spoke with Cathy and she asked for an update. I told her I got an estimate from a plumber but my Director has requested additional information (Patrick wants to see if we can televise the line and T&D was supposed to go out and see if there is a clean-out we can access.) She then asked what we plan to do about the sewage in the basement right now as she is worried about getting it cleaned up. I replied I had never told her we would be cleaning up the basement, all I had told her is that I would get an estimate for replacing the lateral and installing a check valve. She said she thought this should be the City's responsibility because the City caused it. I told her we do not believe we are responsible but are trying to help them as best we can. I directed her to Risk Management if she wanted to file a claim.

6/16/2014 11:07:33 Jane Fleig followed up on this ticket

I spoke to Kathy again to let her know I spoke to our risk management dept. and they do not have any claims that go back to the 90's. But I told her I spoke with our Director and have been given permission to obtain a quote from Paul Young plumbers to completely replace their sewer lateral and install a backflow preventer. Once I have the quote, I will get back with her. She was happy to hear this as they have sewage in their basement right now. But she continued in about the house being built at 500 S Eastside Dr and I explained there is nothing that can be done about that at this point. I understand her frustration with this but it cannot be changed at this point. She also brought up the fact that they're driveway was never repaved even though the City said it would be (back in the 90's). She also said the City was going to put a baffle when they did the ditch work in the 90's but was told they ran out of money so it didn't get put in. She said that's when the flooding started. She wants to know if the City is going to keep the weeds out of the ditch and maintain it since it is city r/w. I told her we have limited resources but I will get with our maintenance crew and ask them to clean and check this area as much as possible. She also said the city redid some of the sidewalks on Eastside Dr. and they were told theirs would be redone as well but this didn't happen. When she called to find out why, she was told that was the property owners responsibility. Ultimately, she wants the ditch cleaned, their driveway repaved and the sewer fixed.

6/5/2014 15:55:51 Jane Fleig followed up on this ticket

Mike Hicks called and spoke to Kathy about the backflow preventer and told her he could drop one off to them. She said they don't want it because they are not going to spend any of their money fixing something that is the city's to fix, not theirs.

6/5/2014 15:42:10 Jane Fleig followed up on this ticket

When I spoke to Larry on 6/3/14 I explained this is a HAND project but I was sorry he had not received notice of the project. I said it was not likely I could find a claim from '92 so don't think the city can do anything about their lateral. I was aware of our project in 2011 to realign the sewer main and it actually has helped tremendously but we did unfortunately have another backup there in April. I checked with Mike Hicks about the backflow preventer and he said he told Mr Deckard he would give them one but they had to have it installed. He will call them to arrange for it to be delivered if they want it.

6/5/2014 15:34:23 Jane Fleig followed up on this ticket

I called her on 6/3/14 and she said she and her husband Larry have owned the place for a long time and have a long list of issues that the city has lied about. She gave me her husband's cell phone # and asked me to call him. I called Larry and he gave a long list of complaints. They were not notified the city was going to do any work and they thought the city had to notify people. They are unhappy with the ditch beside their house. They said the city came in there in '92 or '93 and tried to do a gentle swale but 42 acres drains to this area and it backs up in the creek and in the sewer. He said when the city did the work in the 90's, he thinks they cracked his lateral. He said they also tore up his driveway and never repaved it. He filed a report with the city but never heard anything. He said he gets back-ups into his basement. He said the work we did a couple years ago hasn't helped because the manhole lid on the new manhole has blown off. He said he was told the city would put a backflow preventer on his lateral when we did this work and never did that. He said the city let a realtor build a huge house on the south side of the ditch and it was built and had people living in it before any inspections were done and that someone must have gotten their palms greased on this one. He said this used to be an open area and helped catch and hold the water but now it has a house on it.

6/5/2014 15:23:55 Jane Fleig assigned this case to Jane Fleig

6/5/2014 15:23:55 Opened by Jane Fleig

420 S Eastside DR

Neighborhood AssociationEastside

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