
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Resolved #142005

Traffic Related Complaints:

Other: Going East on Grimes and turning South on Walnut in the morning and evening is already a nightmare. I must do it regularly. If you stop Eastbound drivers on Grimes from turning South on Walnut on the red light, simultaneously with the Walnut Northbound and Walnut Southbound drivers turning left on their green arrows [ie, turning West and East off of Walnut onto Grimes] then you will turn a bad dream into a nightmare. Traffic on Grimes is already so backed up in the morning and evening that it often backs all the way back to Rogers. If you choke off right-turn-on-red-to-go-South-on-Walnut for the people traveling East on Grimes, then it will back up all the way to Cook and no one will get anywhere. Hundreds of drivers turn right on red, going South on Walnut, every morning and evening. Put in a right turn lane for the eastbound traffic on Grimes!! Grimes from Walnut West is nuts every rush hour.

Complaint Type


10/30/2014 08:14:48 Closed by Anonymous

No change to intersection at this time. Citizen notified by email.

10/30/2014 07:52:21 Danna Workman assigned this case to Anonymous

10/23/2014 20:05:35 Anonymous assigned this case to Danna Workman

10/23/2014 20:05:35 Opened by Anonymous

1150-1198 South Walnut Street


Other cases for this location

StatusCase DateCategory
closed11/21/2017Traffic Signals
closed10/24/2017Traffic Signals
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closed5/28/2014Traffic Signals