
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Resolved #170666

Street Lights:

Web Form: I would like to put in a request for street lights, hopefully in a contemporary style (crosses fingers), along N. Oolitic Dr from W. 11th to W. 12th. Along W. 12th from Oolitic to Lindbergh. When I say "contemporary style," I mean some kind of design like this https://www.archiexpo.com/prod/neri/product-52638-897284.html#product-item_895830 No matter, just lights in general would be appreciated.

Assigned to
Christina Smith
Light in question
Request for Lights


10/9/2019 15:51:04 Closed by Christina Smith

I have placed the requested locations on the City's Street Lighting Request Work Sheet and responded to the anonymous' request on this uReport ticket.

Sent notification to Christina Smith
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=170666 Closed by Christina Smith I have placed the requested locations on the City's Street Lighting Request Work Sheet and responded to the anonymous' request on this uReport ticket.

10/9/2019 15:36:07 Christina Smith followed up on this ticket

I have placed both request areas on the City's Street Lighting Request Work Sheet for future consideration. The City leases street lights from Duke Energy and pays for the installation, energy usage, and maintenance costs with Duke providing the maintenance services. Each year, street lights are installed within the public right of way at locations specifically requested from citizens. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at either 812-349-3410 or smithc@bloomington.in.gov.

Sent notification to Christina Smith
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=170666 Christina Smith followed up on this ticket I have placed both request areas on the City's Street Lighting Request Work Sheet for future consideration. The City leases street lights from Duke Energy and pays for the installation, energy usage, and maintenance costs with Duke providing the maintenance services. Each year, street lights are installed within the public right of way at locations specifically requested from citizens. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at either 812-349-3410 or smithc@bloomington.in.gov.

10/9/2019 15:11:14 Anonymous assigned this case to Christina Smith

Sent notification to Christina Smith
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=170666 Chris Axsom assigned this case to Christina Smith You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

10/9/2019 13:41:51 Anonymous assigned this case to Anonymous

Sent notification to Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=170666 Anonymous assigned this case to Chris Axsom You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

10/9/2019 13:41:51 Opened by Anonymous

700-798 N Oolitic Dr, Bloomington, Indiana, 47404


Other cases for this location

StatusCase DateCategory
closed5/14/2020City Performance
closed9/1/2019Biking & Walking
closed7/16/2019Potholes, Other Street Repair
closed5/24/2019Potholes, Other Street Repair