
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Resolved #171425

Traffic Suggestions:

Other: There are no stop signs or speed bumps for a long section on Maxwell Lane between High Street and Jordan Avenue. The speed limit is 25. People are regularly driving 50. From Jordan heading east toward Sheridan there is a hill. Traffic turning or crossing at Mitchell aren’t able to see over the hill. If people drove the posted speed limit, it would not be an issue. There is regular honking as people speeding east on Maxwell crest the hill to find cars turning onto Maxwell from Mitchell or the residences. There are also many elementary students in the very near area, and a bus stop on Maxwell at Sheridan. A stop sign at Mitchell or Sheridan on Maxwell would drastically improve the safety of the area.

Complaint Type
Traffic Signs


1/27/2020 15:25:38 Closed by Anonymous

Responded via email

Sent notification to Anonymous, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=171425 Closed by Mallory Rickbeil Responded via email

1/27/2020 15:18:28 Anonymous contacted Anonymous

Hi Heather, Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Currently, you are catching the City in a moment of transition. While the City of Bloomington technically still has a Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program, the Planning and Transportation Department feels that the current policy needs to be updated in order to facilitate an objective and transparent response as it relates to traffic calming and unsafe driving behaviors which you described. I am writing a policy currently, and will be bringing it to the mayor next week. From there it will go to our transportation boards/ commisions for approval- and then (::fingers crossed::) City Council for approval. In order to allow our team the time and resources to design an effective, transparent, and data-driven process we will not be accepting any new Traffic Calming projects until the new program is set to begin next January. That being said, I know that this isn't what you want to hear, and I'm afraid there aren't any quick fixes.. I have made note of your concerns and will bring it to my next Traffic Considerations meeting. If you would like to be alerted once the policy is open for public review, or when we accept projects for speed cushions- please feel free to email me at rickbeilm@bloomington.in.gov and I will be sure to keep you abreast of any updates.

Sent notification to Anonymous, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=171425 Mallory Rickbeil contacted Heather Rackley Hi Heather, Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Currently, you are catching the City in a moment of transition. While the City of Bloomington technically still has a Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program, the Planning and Transportation Department feels that the current policy needs to be updated in order to facilitate an objective and transparent response as it relates to traffic calming and unsafe driving behaviors which you described. I am writing a policy currently, and will be bringing it to the mayor next week. From there it will go to our transportation boards/ commisions for approval- and then (::fingers crossed::) City Council for approval. In order to allow our team the time and resources to design an effective, transparent, and data-driven process we will not be accepting any new Traffic Calming projects until the new program is set to begin next January. That being said, I know that this isn't what you want to hear, and I'm afraid there aren't any quick fixes.. I have made note of your concerns and will bring it to my next Traffic Considerations meeting. If you would like to be alerted once the policy is open for public review, or when we accept projects for speed cushions- please feel free to email me at rickbeilm@bloomington.in.gov and I will be sure to keep you abreast of any updates.

1/14/2020 08:31:23 Elizabeth Carter assigned this case to Anonymous

This is mostly a traffic calming request. It appears to also be an issue of line of sight from an intersection. Perhaps Karina can look into that portion of it.

Sent notification to Anonymous, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=171425 Elizabeth Carter assigned this case to Mallory Rickbeil You can use the link to follow progress on this case. This is mostly a traffic calming request. It appears to also be an issue of line of sight from an intersection. Perhaps Karina can look into that portion of it.

1/14/2020 06:31:09 Anonymous assigned this case to Elizabeth Carter

Sent notification to Elizabeth Carter, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=171425 Mike Stinson assigned this case to Elizabeth Carter You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

1/13/2020 19:30:32 Anonymous assigned this case to Danna Workman

Sent notification to Danna Workman, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=171425 Anonymous assigned this case to Danna Workman You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

1/13/2020 19:30:32 Opened by Anonymous

1511 E Maxwell LN

Neighborhood AssociationEastside

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