
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Can't Fix #183222

Accessibility Problem:

Other: This is Rebekah Deckard responding to the email on people making it difficult for me to get in vehicles of those who come to pick me up to go places to not only being physically disabled but legally blind. I attempted to reply to the email on there being a parking pad cancaretakers (I have help besides caretakers. Ex: rides to church) not pick me up there. I am certain I stated how all park in the front to the house being on the corner intersecting with two roads it is on a slope/ hill. So the driveway is very difficult for me. When some have parked there (to my front entrance of sidewalk very close to it being blocked basically) the door of the passenger side I am in almost shuts on my leg. I am also 4'10" so this makes things more difficult to most do not have smaller lower sitting vehicles I can just step out of.. in fact sometimes I must use a step stool type device to get into the vehicle. As well as the steps to enter the back pose a risk of my falling. I request others not use the back entrance to the storm door is off balance so it does not close properly. Despite maintenance trying to remedy this. Again, I was certain I stated why I do not use the entrance with the driveway in my original contact. As stated already as well, I tried to reply to the email on thisbonnthe 22. It was returned to me.ni have had medical appointments the past two days so had no time to be online much. Thank you again for your time, Rebekah

Assigned to
Michael Shermis


4/26/2023 09:28:47 Closed by Michael Shermis

Sent: While it's very clear to understand why you need an accessible space, Engineering is not in the habit of putting in an accessible space for an individual without a really good rationale. There is the expense, of course. There is also how people frequently move. And you did say you might be there only a few more months. It's very rare for them to put in a space in a residential neighborhood and they are not required to. The only good suggestion I have is for someone to park at the corner, when you are ready to come out. If they put their blinkers on you can walk down to the corner with the accessible curb cut and right into your van. I know that means another 20 steps, but it's the only solution that they can suggest. Sorry I don't have better news.

Sent notification to Michael Shermis, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=183222 Closed by Michael Shermis Sent: While it's very clear to understand why you need an accessible space, Engineering is not in the habit of putting in an accessible space for an individual without a really good rationale. There is the expense, of course. There is also how people frequently move. And you did say you might be there only a few more months. It's very rare for them to put in a space in a residential neighborhood and they are not required to. The only good suggestion I have is for someone to park at the corner, when you are ready to come out. If they put their blinkers on you can walk down to the corner with the accessible curb cut and right into your van. I know that means another 20 steps, but it's the only solution that they can suggest. Sorry I don't have better news.

3/24/2023 20:58:33 Anonymous assigned this case to Michael Shermis

Sent notification to Michael Shermis, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=183222 Anonymous assigned this case to Michael Shermis You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

3/24/2023 20:58:33 Opened by Anonymous

1800 W Marquis DR

Neighborhood AssociationCrescent Bend

Other cases for this location

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