
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Resolved #67995

Sidewalk Snow Removal: Request

Phone Call: Original complaint #602 assigned 11/7/1996. Mable Wade & her daughter Winona Collins live at 1005 Orris Ave. Water is coming out of the sewer above and flooding down on them. Mable wants someone from the city to come and see the situation. Streets came out and unclogged the storm sewer of leaves, however, problem is still getting worse.

Most tickets of this type should be closed within 2 days, although some cases may be longer. 0 days have already passed.


5/5/1997 05:00:00 Closed by Anonymous

[data cleanup] Closing date was missing and has been provided by the system as a best guess

5/5/1997 05:00:00 Anonymous inspected this Location

On site inspection 10:30a.m., Ms Mable Wade on site. Walked site and located a storm water inlet at the top of the concrete stairs. Checked with Housing and Neighborhood Development Department, and Public Works Department. Set-up on site meeting with Bobby Chestnut -Street Department Superintendent on 5/13/1997 lat 8:30a.m. Pulled Plat file, a twelve (12) foot right-a-way a long side walk is the City"s. The city street department regraded and redsigned the storm inlets at the top of the stairs. 10:30 a.m. Ms. Wade was on site and I asked her if the repair of the drainage inlets cured the drainage problems. She said that it had worked fine during the last two days during the rain.

5/5/1997 05:00:00 Opened by Anonymous

5/5/1997 05:00:00 Anonymous commented on this case.

On site inspection 10:30a.m., Ms Mable Wade on site. Walked site and located a storm water inlet at the top of the concrete stairs. Checked with Housing and Neighborhood Development Department, and Public Works Department. Set-up on site meeting with Bobby Chestnut -Street Department Superintendent on 5/13/1997 lat 8:30a.m. Pulled Plat file, a twelve (12) foot right-a-way a long side walk is the City"s. The city street department regraded and redsigned the storm inlets at the top of the stairs. 10:30 a.m. Ms. Wade was on site and I asked her if the repair of the drainage inlets cured the drainage problems. She said that it had worked fine during the last two days during the rain.



Other cases for this location

StatusCase DateCategory
closed7/7/1998Sidewalk Snow Removal