
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (1135)

closed #200874

Blocked Street

West 3rd Street

Case Date:

When traveling west to east on West 3rd Street, a recent installation has blocked the entrance to Arby's.

closed #200657

Blocked Street

216 E Burks DR

Case Date:

Car with no plates parked on street for. Over two months.

closed #200619

Blocked Street

1401 W Countryside LN

Case Date:

Traffic was backing up on Countryside lane due to Summit Elementary School. MCCSC staff, without a stop sign or proper PPE, stepped into the road and told me I needed to wait in line or turn around. I explained that I wasn’t here to wait in the parent line; I was just traveling toward Adam's Street. She then stood in front of my car and forced me to turn around. This doesn't seem legal and should be addressed.

closed #200582

Blocked Street

301 E 19th ST

Case Date:

Cara parked on both sides of the street, where construction work is about to begin, this is a hazard for both pedestrian and vehicles going down through this street. Larger trucks will not be able to move through

closed #200555

Blocked Street

4851 IN-46

Case Date:

Basketball hoop with pole on the shoulder knocked over very close to being over the white line off the highway. Blocks the shoulder and causes safety concern.

closed #200482

Blocked Street

901 Atwater Ave

Case Date:

Vehicle parked in left turn lane on Atwater Ave, adjacent to Woodlawn. (License plate 921ZUU)

closed #200448

Blocked Street

112 E 1st St

Case Date:

There is a vehicle blocking the alleyway (when homeowners vehicles are parked behind their homes) between 1st St and Hillside Dr. It has been there for multiple days.

closed #200333

Blocked Street

106 N Rogers ST

Case Date:

Who is responsible for clearing snow from the alley way between My Sports Locker and the Bloomington Chamber building off of North Rogers running West/East between the 2 buildings?

closed #200293

Blocked Street

W Prospect St

Case Date:

Maroon Sierra 4 x 4 truck parked on W Prospect St which intersects with S. Rogers St. ....Truck is parked too closed to intersection making it hard for vehicles to pull in and out of W Prospect St. from S. Rogers St........Licensed # TK600MBQ

closed #200237

Blocked Street

415 E Smith Ave

Case Date:

There is ice on most of this portion of South Kirby Alley from E Smith Ave to the Burnham rentals in the alley. There is a car stuck that hasn't moved in days in the alley which could block bigger cars like a dump truck or a ambulance. I would appreciate it if we could get some ice removal or salt before the weekend when people are more intoxicated.