Parking on Unimproved Surface
412 W Howe ST
- Case Date:
- 11/9/2024
The backyard of 412 W Howe St has been converted nearly entirely into a gravel parking lot. Gravel has been dumped along the length of the alley which is frequently used as additional parking.
Parking on Unimproved Surface
304 N Hopewell ST
- Case Date:
- 11/9/2022
People are sleeping/living in a van. Both non-working vehicles have been flagged for towing, but not towed. Also, suspected drug use going on inside the van.
Parking on Unimproved Surface
521 E Grimes LN
- Case Date:
- 9/16/2023
Numerous junk vehicles at this location that meet the city code description of "abandoned" City code 15.04.020 section 6 - vehicles more than three years old that have not moved for 20 days that are in public view. They are not even registered! 2 of these vehicles are parked on unimproved surfaces - also this property is a junk yard.
Parking on Unimproved Surface
1410 S Woodlawn Ave
- Case Date:
- 3/12/2025
This appears to be a contravention of the City Ordinance (20.04.(B).I. Did the owner(s) ask permission to expand the parking area? Google Maps overhead view shows that there used to be much more grass there.