
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (1022)

closed #200886

Sidewalk & Curb Complaints

714 S Fess AVE

Case Date:

There's a large rock on the west side of the street creating an obstacle in the road and hindering the flow of traffic. This is located on S Fess Ave, between E University Street and E First Street, outside of the house 714 S Fess Ave. Please tend to this issue before an accident happens.

closed #200842

Sidewalk & Curb Complaints

1418 S Palmer AVE

Case Date:

The sidewalk near 1418/1416 S Palmer Avenue area is completely washed out, with dangerous potholes making it difficult to park/walk. Issue previously submitted in 2018 and falsely reported as resolved.

open #200791

Sidewalk & Curb Complaints

Case Date:

There's a huge hole left by the internet-cable installing company at the curb in front of my house, 1207 E Skylark Ct. This problem has been reported twice, tickets 192627 and 193023. Both tickets were closed but the problem remains. The contractor made a wan attempt to fill the hole, tossing some loose gravel into it, after I filed the first ticket. The attempt was useless and I filed the second ticket. It was closed without comment and, as far as I can tell, without investigation. The hole is now far deeper and wider. I realize it's likely false hope that you'll do anything more than close this ticket, forgive me, but after a winter of watching the hole grow, I'm asking again for a repair. Thank you.

closed #200617

Sidewalk & Curb Complaints

800 N Grant ST

Case Date:

Rocks have spilled out of rock bed onto sidewalk. Causes issues with any mobility assistance devices. Rick’s need to be picked up from sidewalk around Grant Street APTS.

closed #200607

Sidewalk & Curb Complaints

1521 W Isaac DR

Case Date:

I am the maintenance manager for the The Quarters here at 1521 Isaac Dr. When you are on the property, specifically on Westplex Ave, starting at west 3rd street and spanning all the way to W Milieu Dr, there is an abandoned construction project in the easement that has open holes in the earth that are dangerous to the public and is at this point damage to the grounds and has been an eyesore to the property for months. My concern is primarily safety, as anybody that inadvertently steps into these openings will no doubt suffer injury, but also the ongoing, unfinished work that some contractor was permitted to start and as of yet not returned to complete.

closed #200547

Sidewalk & Curb Complaints

3603 S Kingsbury AVE

Case Date:

Sidewalks have remained unshoveled since the first snowfall of the year. There is heavy pedestrian traffic on the portion of their sidewalk along Allendale. Failure to shovel that section is particularly hazardous. There are also several roughly 6" deep holes immediately adjacent to the sidewalk here which present a tripping hazard or potential ankle sprain. They are currently hard to see because of the snow.

closed #200511

Sidewalk & Curb Complaints

700 S Washington St

Case Date:

702 S Washington St has not cleared the snow on their sidewalk

closed #200510

Sidewalk & Curb Complaints

Case Date:

ABA Auto Sales at 701 S Walnut St has not clear the snow on their side walk

closed #200509

Sidewalk & Curb Complaints

713 S Walnut ST

Case Date:

Bloomington Realty at 713 S Walnut St has not clear the snow on their side walk

closed #200317

Sidewalk & Curb Complaints

334 S Madison ST

Case Date:

Sidewalk not cleared of snow - dangerous to walk here - this is a city or county -owned property