
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (38)

closed #152597

City Performance

Case Date:

This morning, while driving to work at Cook Pharmica, I was going a different way than normal. I was on 3rd St instead of 2nd St, and needed to get over to turn onto Patterson abruptly because I wasn't too familiar with the area. A city employee driving a city truck not only didn't acknowledge my turn signal, he sped up. He proceeded to try and "race" me, and when I was finally able to get in front of him because I couldn't get behind him due to other vehicles, he proceeded to turn his bright lights on to distract me. Naturally, I sped up. The city employee sped up with me and began to tail me, all the way to Cook. I pulled over into the Cook lot and attempted to get a license plate, but he sped away. All I could get was what I believe the last 2 digits to be, 50. I want you to understand, as a city employee, this person represents not only the city, but the city government as well. This was a HORRIBLE display of unprofessional and inappropriate behavior. I do not know that side of the city well, and for all this guy knew, I could have been from out of town. And that's the impression an out-of-towner would have of city government. Next time this happens, I will not only take a video of it, I will post it on every social media website and news outlet available. Fire immature people who act like this because they should NOT be working in government. Thanks and have a nice day.

closed #142251

City Performance

Case Date:

There may be no illegalities within the mayors administration, but there are breeches of the peace through his office. The city does not derive a debt to the State of Indiana, it does operate under the same jurisdiction, and that means authority. Mark Kruzan is being given a vote of no confidence because of the Separation of Church and State. He has become a rebel, and some of his actions have been worthy of accrediting, but in light of other circumstances in the city , such conducts will have negated such accreditation. He is a disgrace for not challenging Federal authority away from being an independent on the ballot, and does not deserve to remain the Mayor of Bloomington city government.

closed #181178

City Performance

Case Date:

Very confused as to why when I have stopped in at City Hall past few days/weeks that I am being assisted by people I recognize from running different departments and assisting at other city public events. Do you not have dedicated receptionists - they clearly (since us active citizens attend city events) have a specific job in another area? Seems like a waste of resources when there are lots of complaints/requests on here that us citizens have filled out asking for help with rentals, problems with buildings, or even a complaint straight to the mayors office. Do you not have enough staff to run this city? Is this why our concerns aren’t being addressed?

closed #182866

City Performance

Case Date:

You know it really something in the shadow of the city of bloomington Indiana running schooner creek out of famers market for respecting the 3rd reich & T4 exploitation of forms of population controls. You know whats really funny after all the lock downs and kings control is to read the news of admitting the lies he placated Fauci saying the vax's dont protect from respiratory chi com virus 19. Is the Air Force in the same week the truth to the health effects from the silver nitrate eye drops & squalene thimerosal dangers and the Anthrax etal vax cases. https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/the-first-mandatory-vaccination-campaign?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web I am looking forward to see the fall out of the Pact act as the Hitler phone bridge near magnetic field bone induction of dental amalagams Havana syndrome post cold psychotronics is being heard and its leaching heavy metals atop the induced voice & tinnitus and Wuhan china 5 & 6 g research .

closed #183183

City Performance

Case Date:

there seeems to be a strong anti-asian sediment within bloomington and i have felt racially discriminated against by having services denied or prolonged due to purposeful errors. I have heard social workers make comments such as "I hoped he'd leave "and tell others seeking services not to talk with me and ignore him. I came here after completing residential rehab at hickory treatment in linton. At centerstone after waiting for insurance approval, which was granted, I was told they felt I only need peer support- not the outpatient treatment that's always a follow up to inpatient and housing etc along side. I went to shalom where i was already on the national permanent supportive housing list for at list a year in Indiana but originally qualified do to homelessness in Kentucky. I also needed Photo i.d- cost of $11.50- without which i can do nothing. This was in january with it taking 3 weeks(notified them of return twice do to incomplete paperwork and then incorrect amount) for the check to be cut. On second week now waiting for check. As stated earlier i was already approved for housing on national list and been on local list for 3 months. I know people start fresh and already been housed and people lose their housing and get re-housed while I still at wheeler mission.This was at shalom center and I filed a complaint with the attorney general on the issued with my I.D At wheeler i get kinding blowed off. I went the food stamp office to get aid but my case worker there didnt send the fax correctly so my case was closed. Meanwhile I know that theres mostly donated so the food may switched up during serving but definately have gotten smaller portions and food that been grossly overcooked.As the only asian in this situation i have to say its definately discrimatory action at all three place-all verifiable. I really want to rally against these actions and my treatment- as homeless and an individual felt it would go unheard- Come to find out at IU there a group of medical students called MAPS i believe that are mostly asian and have felt discrimation in bloomington also. I only feel it fair to notify you as you may not even be aware and give you the oppertunity to correct the situation. I pray the you can react in a timely manner and contact me shortly with solutions on this matter. James Hale 812-671-8665

closed #183914

City Performance

Case Date:

Hello, our dog was attacked on Blair St. recently and the animal control officer said they would give us the other dog owners contact info so we can check with them about helping with vet bills. We have contacted the animal control office several times and left messages and no one is getting back to us whatsoever. Can someone please get back to us?

closed #185008

City Performance

Case Date:

Just a few things that the city seems to be ignoring: why is there still a sign at Building Trades Park pointing to the now non-existent emergency department on Second Street? Why do Transit buses still post notices in August informing passengers that Sunday rides will be free in the spring of 2023? Why does transit have a display case downtown with the heading “Memories” that contains not traditional memories but legal notices? And why does the mayor still include a link for donations to his mayoral campaign in his monthly Let’s Keep in Touch emails?

closed #185457

City Performance

Case Date:

Tickets in uReport assigned to new mayors office contact (Nicholas) need reassigned and addressed in a timely manner. Reports are being left not responded to.

closed #165255

City Performance

Case Date:

A copy of an email I just sent - CITY OF BLOOMINGTON LEGAL DEPARTMENT: I just picked up two DVDs from the Legal Department of the City of Bloomington today, and I specifically asked WHAT computer program will play them. The woman who took my payment asked someone else in the office while I was down the hall paying the fee and she told me, "The program that plays it is already loaded on it." NO IT ISN'T!! I'm at the main library trying to get both of these DVDs to play, and NEITHER OF THEM WILL. Why are you withholding the correct information from me? How come when a citizen comes to get EVIDENCE of wrongdoing by other citizens or by public employees she is given DVDS that can't easily be played, viewed and listened to on a common public computer? This happened with the VERY FIRST DVDs I got from you two years ago, even before I got the Protective Order against Georg Smith. I couldn't play those DVDs either. One guy at the library had a laptop that HAPPENED to have that computer program on it, and I saw one video but never heard it. I haven't been able to view it since. SO I'M ASKING YOU AGAIN - WHAT EXACT PROGRAM PLAYS THESE THINGS - AND WHAT COMPUTERS IN TOWN HAVE THAT PROGRAM LOADED? IF YOU CAN'T FIND ANY OTHER COMPUTERS WITH THESE PROGRAMS, THEN I'LL HAVE TO SCHEDULE TIME TO COME INTO YOUR OFFICE TO USE YOUR COMPUTERS. I HAVE TO SEE THIS IMMEDIATELY TO PREPARE FOR A COURT HEARING. These videos are EVIDENCE in several legal cases. Not giving me clear answers and this information can only be concluded to be obstruction of justice. In the meantime, I'm going to alert the judge in one of my cases that I'm not getting cooperation and playable videos from the CIty of Bloomington. It's the truth. Please reply today and tell my how you're going to fix this problem. I need to view literally 15 videos of Georg Smith violating the Protective Order, and about 4 more of other idiots in this town who've committed BATTERY against me, who can't drive a bus safely, and who've failed to keep the roads safe, causing me injury. If you don't get me the right answers your city is going to be famous for making this problem for people. I guess I'll have to propose a law to the City Council that any and all public records have to be provided in an EASILY VIEWABLE FORMAT. After all, when you get Police Reports from the Police Department, they print them in English on standard 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper. They don't encrypt it in some obscure code. Why would you want to make it difficult for anybody? I've already been through enough abuse in this town - why do you want to add to it? You cause me MORE suffering THAT I DON'T NEED. Please get me my information TODAY. And if you don't like the idea of my using YOUR computers... I HAVE TO VIEW MY DVDS FOR COURT, so you may have to make some adjustments. I've repeatedly asked for this information over the months, and I'm out of patience.

closed #175792

City Performance

Case Date:

I have called the Planning Office 3 times recently and left messages. NO ONE returns calls. I am trying to find out if you can have 2 tiny houses on your city lot? This is the back of 917 N Fairview Street taken from my Mom's house at 912 N Maple. THANKS!