- Case Date:
- 7/25/2013
The house next door to us has been abandoned for over a year. The yard is extremely over grown and the house is wide open. Our neighborhood has had an increased crime activity and this house is a welcome mat for people to use as a hideaway. The address is 202 E Ridgeview Dr. 47401, what can we do?
- Case Date:
- 6/29/2013
Thursday a week ago a new tenant moved into the rental house across the street for me,401 N. Rogers. They did extensive trimming of the street trees (which is OK by me) but they left the debris sitting in the tree plot. It now has been there more than a week. I don't know them, so I would appreciate it if you would get them to remove the branches. Many thanks!
- Case Date:
- 6/29/2013
Thursday a week ago a new tenant moved into the rental house across the street for me,401 N. Rogers. They did extensive trimming of the street trees (which is OK by me) but they left the debris sitting in the tree plot. It now has been there more than a week. I don't know them, so I would appreciate it if you would get them to remove the branches. Many thanks!
- Case Date:
- 6/12/2013
You of course have parking problems galore near campus and older part of town. Why not institute policy of granting residential-area by-the-day parking permits for persons with valid handicapped designation? Say, for 8 am-4 in residential areas zoned restrictively? I was not legally able to park in and stroll my old neighborhood--tho' fortunately found the garage on Atwater. Had never expected to have pulmonary problems. Even area residents complain about campus parking. Can't you remove evening quotas for special events?
- Case Date:
- 6/3/2013
I have an issue of how a criminal case is not being taken seriously, or pursued in a timely manner. On May 8, 2013
My daughter got shoved into a wall by one of my male neighbors & my car window busted out by my female neighbor & have it on video. The police come & of course my neighbor left before police arrived. The police took everyones statement even reviewed the video which was sent to the officers email right then, still nothing has been done. But the officers did come to my house to tell me there will be a warrant for the female because of the video but nothing will happen to the man that assaulted my daughter & she had visible marks on her arm from where he pushed her.
This back & forth with my neighbor has been going on for a year. But nothing was ever done to protect me & my family so they became bolder in their harassment toward me & my family. I told the officer if they wouldnt not do anything to them they wouldnt stop. I am the one who always called the police ( but the few times they called was saying i didnt have a license & i tried to hit my neighbor with my car) it was me calling for protection. My neighbors have threatened, stalked us w/a video camera pointed to my front door & parking lot, assaulted physically & verbally, destroyed property, & spit on, still to this day stalk my daughter at work & drive by our house because the female neighbor no longer lives by me she was evicted about a week ago. I do not understand why either one wasnt arrested that day. I had all the proof my daughter was injured & my window was busted & video taped so I do not understand the lack of action from the Police that are suppose to protect. If I was not in the "poor side" of town I think things would have been different. I believe if she busted a city officials car window she would have been put in jail that night or assaulted a city officials daughter. Its sad that someone with money & power are more believable then evidence in my case. Every officer & there were alot over the past year all said the same its your word against their word even if you have witnesses nothing is going to happen. One officer even got in my face & said you call us again over stupid shit & I will take you to jail, I have more important things to deal with then neighbor disputes. This was in front of my children & of course my neighbors too. So for months after my family had to deal with them thinking they can do anything cause all they had to say was our word against them. My kids hated to just walk to the car to leave because they hadnt played outside for the past year. My car is scratched up, headlight busted window busted bike tires flattened & I havent done one thing to retaliate except rely on the legal system to protect me. I will be out hundreds of dollars to repair all that has been damaged. Where is my justice where is my protection I dont care what part of town I live or how much money or power i dont have I deserve the same rights as everyone should. If everyone would just realize its the little things that works up to what they consider more important cases. If the police took more time stopping the little incidents maybe the bigger ones wouldnt proceed. To whom that reads this , without knowing me or my history or station in life, if this happened to you, What would you do?
- Case Date:
- 6/3/2013
There is a gap with no sidewalk on South Rockport Rd going down the hill after passing CountryView Apts. This is very dangerous, because you have to walk on the road which is on a hill into oncoming traffic to get to the rest of the sidewalk. I use this (broken) sidewalk alot with my children to go to the park. But after a close call of a car swerved to miss us & almost got hit by another car that was coming over the hill. I know alot of people use this sidewalk & its been long over due to be fixed. I hope this & more sidewalks in this area will be on the agenda this year. Thank You
- Case Date:
- 5/29/2013
The property in question is at 3428 S. Leonard Springs Rd. I live in the Heatherwood mobile home community. My lot and several others lots sit next to this property. It is my understanding that Travis Lentz had owened it, but it is now in forclosure. He has not been there for quite some time. The side yard and back yard are now over grown. The weeds are 3-4 ft. high. With all the ticks and other issues, this is a perfect breeding ground for trouble. There is also trash and at least 2 trucks that have been sitting idle for I know a year. I would like some action taken before one of the kids get snake bit or rats and mice start. Thank you
Excessive Growth
The Stands Road
- Case Date:
- 4/7/2013
A sidewalk I walk on in my neighborhood has a bush that is growing too far onto the sidewalk and needs to be trimmed back. 2401 Cedarwood Drive; side yard on The Stands; house on Cedarwood Drive, corner.
Excessive Growth
2504 E Cedarwood DR
- Case Date:
- 4/7/2013
A sidewalk I walk has an overgrown tree that makes it difficult to walk on the sidewalk and also blocks the line of sight when driving and trying to turn on that corner. 2507 Cedarwood Circle.
- Case Date:
- 3/28/2013
The amount of litter all alone Acuff Road is ridiculous. We are polluting our earth, and nothing is being done about it. It would be nice to not have a beautiful, scenic drive be ruined by various clutter. Is there any way we could get the Monroe County Jail to participate in the cleaning up of Bloomington? Somebody must take action; as it is getting out of hand. Thank you for your time.