closed #170077
701 S Parkway DR
- Case Date:
- 8/26/2019
Like this for over a year. Trash. Construction debris. Etc. Unpermitted structure addition. May have someone living in the shed.
Like this for over a year. Trash. Construction debris. Etc. Unpermitted structure addition. May have someone living in the shed.
Excessive plant growth behind several properties. Noticeable from the cul-de-sac on village court. 522 village court.
Mattresses have been leaned on the side of this unit for over 2 months.
Hello, I broke my leg trying to cross the footbridge in Highland village park Wednesday evening while walking my dog. I and others have told me they have slipped on this footbridge and they agree it is a hazard. Now I will be on crutches for 4-6 weeks and have to pay for significant costs. You need to replace this bridge with a safer structure or your liability will become obvious.
Mattresses left outside of the house for week. Significant amounts of trash and debris on the street that clogs the runoff drains and causes the cul-de-sac to flood.
There is a lot of overgrowth between some properties and some drainage issues with standing water days after it rains.
There is a truck parts at the end of a street near a cul-de-sac (village court). with a bunch of trash and other debris piled above bed of the truck. The truck itself has a completely flat tire and is off of the rim. It has been parked like that for at least a week probably two or more without moving. The truck does not have license plates on it.
There area lot of properties with trash outside of them on village court.
In front of 510-512 village court.
Illegal dumping happens often in the easement between the properties on South Westwood Drive and Village Court. The Village Court tenants or property owner nearly constantly use this area as their personal dumping ground. This mess is currently behind the property line of 420 and 430 S. Westwood Drive. Not pictured is the bedding tossed in the tree limbs. Thank you.