closed #172072
Animal Control & Neglected Pets
2213 S Sussex DR
- Case Date:
- 3/25/2020
2219 Sussex - outdoor dogs that are constantly barking. Can someone look into this?
2219 Sussex - outdoor dogs that are constantly barking. Can someone look into this?
Can we start to have a conversation about the deer population in this town? I walked Sussex Dr yesterday and counted ten deer (!) in 3 groups: doe and 2 fawns, doe and 3 fawns, doe and 2 fawns - all within 2 city blocks!! As we approached the first group using the city sidewalk the mother agressively came after us, stomping her foot. We had to cross the street and walk very slowly to avoid her defensive aggression. This is all well within the city limits. Why should I have to fear them when I'm walking around my own neighborhood? They've already forced several of ourneighbors to install concentration camp fencing to protect their landscaping. Many of our other neighbors have all their landscaping in cages. I like watching deer, too, but come on now - at this point they are pests without a predator to keep them under control. Have we gone too far? Culling is in order. Note: I didn't even mention the costs of hitting one with a car or motorcyle.
Dead deer between houses at 2003 and 2011 S High St. Animal was struck by a car and later euthanized by DNR today. Need it removed soon.
Dead skunk in front of my mailbox.
There's a dead squirrel on the street in front of this address.
New sidepath running along E Rogers Rd between High and Sare has still not been cleared of snow and ice. Completely worthless as pedestrian infrastructure, and very disappointing when Rogers Road right next to it is completely cleared.
So we're 15 weeks into our driveways being a mess of gravel and mud. And we have been patient about this, hoping that Milestone will give us what we had before. And yet most of these driveways are garbage.. Ok, but we are still without a driveway, without reasonable access to the street (while paying all those taxes) and still dealing with the sloth of Milestone. Congratulations, Mr Hamilton (Bank Lobbyist), you have created a new republican in Bloomington. You suck.
The sidewalk on Arden leading into Southeast Park has been blocked for weeks now. The Millstone contractors have been using it for construction storage. Could a better spot not be found for storing this equipment, perhaps one that doesn't shut down a pedestrian walkway? Space on the adjoining street could just have easily been used here.
Sidepath running along the north side of Rogers is overgrown with weeds, including several prominent patches of poison ivy. Most of the problem areas are near the bridge over Jackson Creek. This hasn't been cleaned up at all this summer. Is the City responsible for keeping this cleared?
There is a thorny bush growing into the sidewalk. North east corner of the Montclair & Queens Way intersection. Could it please be trimmed off the sidewalk?