
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (46)

open #200739

Utilities Yardwork

900 E 1st ST

Case Date:

Should this be corrected to avoid falls or other problems?

open #200713


404 E 1st ST

Case Date:

Hello , During the month of December 2024, there was utility work done on my property while I was away for the winter break. When I returned, there was 1.5 feet of snow; however, since it has melted, I have seen the damage that was done to my front yard - see the attached photos. There are two holes in my lawn (photo on right) and the crew stained my limestone walkway (photo on left). Can you please send the utility company to repair these damages as soon as possible? Thank you. Sincerely, Elida C. Behar February 3, 2025

open #200667

Potholes, Other Street Repair

1200 S Palmer AVE

Case Date:

There is a hole in the street left from utility work. It had been filled but has sunk. There is now a deep hole, about 8inches deep. There is no sidewalk on this part of Palmer. Someone could step in that hole, especially at night, and break a bone. It is on Palmer just south of Grimes, east side of the street.

open #199860

Traffic Related Complaints

Gates Dr & Alexander Dr

Case Date:

When there is medium to heavy traffic, this 4-way stop sign between Jonathan Dr and Alexander Dr becomes dangerous. Drivers lose their patience and take off when it is not their turn, resulting in near accidents and testy confrontations. Additionally, the traffic begins to back up into the more busy streets (3rd St and the shopping plaza), causing further delays. We need a roundabout at this 4-way stop to alleviate traffic and dangerous interactions. This would also provide better crossing infrastructure for pedestrians who use the sidewalk. Thank you!

open #199849

Potholes, Other Street Repair

1619 S Troy CT

Case Date:

Workers cut a hole in the blacktop and the fix isn't holding.

open #199841

Parks & Playgrounds

605 S Madison St

Case Date:

One can see that this lamp on the NE corner of the picnic area on Hopewell Commons has one of its pair of lights out. You might want to have the contractor replace this obviously faulty bulb.

open #199686

Potholes, Other Street Repair

210 E Kirkwood AVE

Case Date:

There is a deep pothole (looks like a failing patch maybe?) that was from when a fiber contractor was through over a year ago. It never seemed to have repaired correctly and since it has been so long I am worried we’re stuck with it!

open #199282

Parking on Unimproved Surface

412 W Howe ST

Case Date:

The backyard of 412 W Howe St has been converted nearly entirely into a gravel parking lot. Gravel has been dumped along the length of the alley which is frequently used as additional parking.

open #198966

Blocked Sidewalk

Case Date:

theres a path connecting maple heights to tri north middle school along the south property line of 917 N Maple. about a month ago someone came with a large side-deck mower and cleared the wildflowers that were not obstructing the path. but they did nothing about the things that *were* obstructing the path! this job requires shovels, shears, and elbow grease. will the city clear the path? I understand these paths are in a grey area and I'd appreciate it if you update this ticket with the info about whichever dept accepts the duty. thanks!!

open #198803

Blocked Sidewalk

323 E 11th ST

Case Date: