closed #171201
1005 W Cascade AVE
- Case Date:
- 12/12/2019
My wallet got stolen
My wallet got stolen
1011 West 11th Street Abandoned Car - as defined by City Ordinance 15.04.020 item 6. This abandoned vehicle: - is 3 or more model years old - mechanically inoperable - on private property but couldn't be more clearly visible to public property - has been sitting in its location for well past 20 days. Please have this vehicle removed. Thank you.
Referencing case #169299 They have had years to get rid of that car. Please follow up with removal. Thank you.
Referencing Case#169529 I'm sorry. I realize the situation of the owner, but it has been a long time. Swifter action would have been taken in another part of the City. That is not fair or equitable to other property owners living in the area. This vehicle fits under the city ordinance definition of "abandoned," and, while it is on private property, is in violation, because it sits in clear view of the public. Thank you.
Trucks are using their engine brakes on the bypass/College Mall Rd. It's very loud. I can hear them inside my house. Perhaps the police department could help restrict the use of engine brakes in this residential area.
I was assaulted by multiple people and during the altercation I lost my iPhone and shoe somewhere near 1218 N. Madison Street.
Referencing Case# 169756 I wish to apologize. I gave the incorrect address. The correct address is 1300 W. 15th Street. The abandoned vehicle in view of street and park is a Jeep Cherokee. In addition, there is a junk vehicle dumped in the woods behind the Jeep.
Referencing Case #169794 It's been 20 days. Thank you, Captain Pedigo. I appreciate your efforts.