Bus Services (Bloomington Transit)
401 N Morton ST
- Case Date:
- 1/28/2025
Not sure what the possible glitch with lyft is, but if the city is picking up the tab for rideshare rides after the first dollar then the city is being fleeced BIG TIME. I am giving $45 rides that go 4 blocks at times and the riders are laughing that they paid a dollar. Just an FYI no need to contact me just dbl check the program parameters before it's bankrupt
Bus Services (Bloomington Transit)
- Case Date:
- 1/24/2025
The bus station closes at 4:00 pm Monday thru Friday. It is also closed on Saturdays. Passengers, including children, elderly & disabled people have to stand outside in freezing weather while waiting for their bus. I take two buses to get to work & three buses to get home. I also depend on the Bloomington Transit for trips to Kroger. Having to stand outside during this winter has been miserable. If the Bloomington Transit can afford to buy new all-electric buses, they should be able to hire some people to work evenings & on Saturday to keep the station open.
City Performance
401 N Morton ST
- Case Date:
- 1/20/2025
The minimum effort that Bloomington transit puts in an order to make sure passengers get to, and from their destinations is absolutely ridiculous. When it comes down to the last routes of the night, the bus drivers get in some type of relaxed state where they feel that they do not have to be on time, knowing that majority of the people riding the bus that late are heading home and then the bus driver who are at the transit center do not care to wait longer than three minutes although they’re the last buses of the night and it would not cause no delay to their schedule. Too many people are being left out in the freezing cold Stand. Who knows how long are stranded at night because these bus drivers or the Bloomington transit center does not care about people making at home safely. I have multiple complaints about their driving slow, always being late and the fact that they change the bus schedule to every 40 minutes without any notification without posting it without , adding messages to the app or the website and this is ridiculous. How are we supposed to know when to be outside? Went to be ready when they’re always late and now people are forced to stand in the freezing cold or get left and have to walk home because of their negligence.
Bus Services (Bloomington Transit)
309 S Walnut St
- Case Date:
- 1/11/2025
Apparently the diesel - electric buses enter into a "regeneration" cycle under idle to somehow clean out the soot particulates in the diesel exhaust system. Hot exhaust burns out the soot, right? It stinks all to high hel** and fills the cabin with what smells like CO - filled exhaust. I fear being asphixiated while waiting for the warm bus to begin it's route. I open a couple of windows everytime I board.
Is this an exhaust leak, or is pumping hot regenerative soot exhaust gases including CO into the cabin, er.. normal? This smells awful and scares me everytime I ride a bus in these conditions.
Please provide proof this is not a danger or remedy this nasty smelling problem.
Bus Services (Bloomington Transit)
- Case Date:
- 1/3/2025
There has been liquid sloshing around a window sill for TWO straight days on the #2 bus. Are you cleaning these buses?
Bus Services (Bloomington Transit)
340 W 1st St
- Case Date:
- 12/31/2024
First Street, between College and Rogers, is completely open and has been for weeks. Why is the #2 route (southbound) not using it? The detour is no longer needed.
Bus Services (Bloomington Transit)
- Case Date:
- 12/9/2024
First Street between Rogers and College is open again. When will the #2 South route start using it?
Bus Services (Bloomington Transit)
1013 N Illinois ST
- Case Date:
- 12/5/2024
Bus cannot pull over to operate the lift system onto the ramp cars parked there every day usually the same several cars the bus needs to pull over coming from 15th Street to operate the wheelchair lift and when SUVs are parked there and you are small and a chair the bus driver cannot see you trying to wheel out to catch the bus and the bus will pass you by it is also not safe for people to have to run out into the road to stop the bus or with their wheelchair when they shouldn't have to there are usually more cars parked here than this
Bus Services (Bloomington Transit)
1013 N Illinois ST
- Case Date:
- 12/3/2024
Cars always parked alongside the bus stop where the wheelchair ramp is bus turning off of West 15th can often not see me over SUVs and trucks parked along there I believe the city ordinances no parking but cars continue to park there because there is no sign or curb painted with enough room for the bus to pull over to the right almost missed the bus to work because I am small and cars were blocking as usual and I feel unsafe walking between cars to run out into the road and wave down the bus. A person in a wheelchair can certainly not be seen and would have difficulty Wheeling out into the street to the bus because there is not room for the bus to pull over and lower the lift on to the ramp attaching the road to the sidewalk have called City police for towing multiple times police drive close by look over and then drive away doing nothing
Bus Services (Bloomington Transit)
1439 N Telluride ST
- Case Date:
- 10/19/2024
Bus 11 specifically has always had issues with their atlas on 17th route. This time after pulling to the side giving PLENTY of room for the bus to pass, the driver stopped and demanded I park my car so she can have the entire road to herself. The amount of times I’ve almost been hit by this specific bus the past 2 years because the drivers are genuinely horrible I cannot explain. How do these people have B class licenses? This happened at 4:44PM on October 19th. By law I am NOT required to give 2 entire lanes so that a driver that is supposed to be trained to drive on these roads can have it to themselves. I will reiterate, this has happened SEVERAL times. D