
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (572)

open #200402


526 E University ST

Case Date:

This pile of trash has been sitting here for 2 months. Can you please do something?

open #199947

Blocked Street

Case Date:

I am a wheelchair user. Every time it snows deep like it has now the snow plows from the city pile of the snow in front of the curb cuts. I was just downtown trying to get across college on Kirkwood. Could not get it through the snow. Very frustrating every year it snows.

open #199735


1124 W Kirkwood AVE

Case Date:

Abandoned sofa and other trash in front

closed #199271


1502 S Oakdale Dr.

Case Date:

On the wall that runs along South Oakdale Drive (around the 1502 - 1508 block), that sits beneath Bloomfield Road/2nd Street, there are three areas of graffiti. They have been there for awhile and I am attempting to find out who is responsible for this. INDOT is saying that it is the City of Bloomington.

closed #192917


2503 S Camden DR

Case Date:

There is offensive graffiti on the bypass B-Line trail (the trail across from the main B-Line trail light post 9 or so). There are multiple places where swastikas, swear words, and mentions of "white power" are spray painted on the paved trail. Please remove/cover this immediately.

closed #192735

Sewer Problems (Sanitary Sewers)

401 N Morton ST

Case Date:

The woman's restroom on the second floor of City Hall, bathroom stall #2, has been having difficulties flushing for the past few months. Had to flush four times to get anything down

closed #192487

Biking & Walking

Park & Second

Case Date:

Gravel in sidewalk and street, Falling hazard.

closed #192233


529 N College AVE

Case Date:

The HVAC that serves the City Showers Building is increasingly getting louder. The sound level has gone from 88 decibels last week to 95 decibels this week. My office is the very most northwest location in the Showers Building and I can hear it through the office walls with a sound like the drone of a cicadas. I invite you to see how long you can stand on 10th Street adjacent to the Showers Building without plugging your ears to the high pitched screech of the City HVAC. I will likely swing by for public comment at the next available public meeting. Find the money in the budget to replace this nuisance please. It is truly upsetting those who work nearby it.

closed #192203


Case Date:

“Free Speech Bridge” on Eagleson Avenue has hateful, disturbing grafitti. The red hands, red triangles and “Zionism Will Fall” messaging are paticulalry heinous and disturbing as they are often viewed as a call to violence, a call for the murder of all Jewish people. Articles which offer more details are here: https://www.yahoo.com/news/berlin-bans-red-triangle-symbol-140808006.html https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/gaza-red-triangle-meaning-1.7216788 https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/what-the-red-hands-on-the-ceasefire-pins-mean-to-many-of-us-who-love-israel/

closed #192191


501 N Morton ST

Case Date:

The HVAC system by the northernmost entrance of the Showers Building is painfully loud. I hope a fix is being prioritized, because even from the sidewalk, it's extremely bothersome. Many concerns by County field staff who frequently use that entrance. Thank you!