
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (47)

open #187270

Traffic Suggestions

1113 E Hillside Dr, Bloomington, IN 47401, USA

Case Date:

The stretch of Hillside between High and Henderson is dangerous for all modes of transportation - there is no safe place to make a left-hand turn from any intersection north or south, especially at rush hours. At least one or more signals and/or 4way stops are needed. Please don't wait for accidents to happen to address the problem. thank you

open #200667

Potholes, Other Street Repair

1200 S Palmer AVE

Case Date:

There is a hole in the street left from utility work. It had been filled but has sunk. There is now a deep hole, about 8inches deep. There is no sidewalk on this part of Palmer. Someone could step in that hole, especially at night, and break a bone. It is on Palmer just south of Grimes, east side of the street.

open #191899

Traffic Related Complaints

1208 W 2nd ST

Case Date:

Westbound traffic on 2nd Street are trying to turn into the new Rockets Convenience Store. I've been in the left turn-lane for Patterson, and someone crossed the double-yellow line to make his own "turn lane" to go into Rockets. The way the entry is shaped there should be no left turn into the facility. Westbound traffic should turn on Patterson and access Rockets the back way. There have been other posts on social media about this. There needs to be a "No Left Turn" sign or something there - it's a prime spot for an accident.

open #183706

Blocked Sidewalk

1234 S Fenbrook LN

Case Date:

Sidewalk floods every time it rains and leaves a thick layer of mud

open #187960

Sidewalk & Curb Complaints

1250 W Olivia CT

Case Date:

Ridgefield IV neighborhood Bob Shaw is the developer. Bob tore out sidewalks august 2022 without city’s permission. Almost 2 yrs later and still no sidewalks. 3 residents with disabilities(one uses a scooter) along with multiple children in neighborhood. We need accessible sidewalks and for the city to go after Bob Shaw!

open #188328

Blocked Sidewalk

1376 S College Mall RD

Case Date:

Mud from erosion blocks the sidewalk.

open #199849

Potholes, Other Street Repair

1619 S Troy CT

Case Date:

Workers cut a hole in the blacktop and the fix isn't holding.

open #188113

Street & Traffic Signs

1708 E Circle DR

Case Date:

Please consider a stop sign on Southdowns and circle drive. People come up westbound on southdowns heading around the corner very fast. We have many walkers and children and it is a blind curve.

open #167846

Traffic Related Complaints

1919 E Maxwell LN

Case Date:

I would like to request a traffic speed study, or at least greater speed limit enforcement, for cars traveling on East Maxwell Lane between Rose Ave and Highland Ave. The posted speed limit is 25 mph, but it's a half-mile straight shot from High Street to Highland Ave, and cars regularly travel well above the speed limit past Maxwell Terrace Apartments and several homes with kids playing outside. Given that Maxwell Lane is a signed bike route that also has a blind hill, I hope something can be done to slow speeders and reduce the possibility of accidents in this area.

open #185403

Blocked Sidewalk

201 S Jefferson ST

Case Date:

This 4th street corridor path has weed growing up through the path along the western end. It sure would be good if it was regularly maintained and kept free of vegetation.