
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (220)

closed #199932

Street Snow Removal

2970 N Lakewood CT

Case Date:

Now 1:17 pm and a UPS truck just got stuck on level ground in our cul-de-sac. Still no signs of a plow--can I have your assurance this will get done before a dangerous situation arises here on our street? 812.219.4322

closed #199926

Street Snow Removal

2970 N Lakewood CT

Case Date:

We're almost at 48 hours since the beginning of snowfall, I believe our street (Lakewood Ct.) has yet to see any type of plowing. Lakewood Drive and Ramble Road in our neighbourhood are thoroughly clean, as a point of reference, meaning there has been activity in our neighbourhood.

closed #199246

Potholes, Other Street Repair

2917 N Ramble RD E

Case Date:

Pothole deepening and causing vehicles to veer suddenly into oncoming lane in front of 2917 Ramble Road East in Blue Ridge subdivision. The stretch of street in that immediate area is deteriorating.

closed #192889

Excessive Growth

2983 N Ramble RD W

Case Date:

Vines and weeds are overgrown and blocking sidewalk adjacent to property owned by city below storm drain pump station on the Southwest corner of N. Ramble Rd West and E. Russian Dr. Vines and weeds along fence and property owned by city block sidewalk access, forcing people to walk on street on a blind curve creating a life safety hazard. The city routinely cut back the overgrowth several times each Summer, but has not addressed this safety issue this Summer.

closed #192507

Excessive Growth

3114 N Ramble RD W

Case Date:

The Empty Lot at the corner of N Ramble Rd W and E Kenler Dr is so overgrown you can't walk on the sidewalks

closed #192235


2905 N Bankers DR

Case Date:

The lid for my gray trash bin is gone. Please see UReport 188995. I have left the bin out after trash collection, but it hasn't been replaced.

closed #188995


2905 N Bankers DR

Case Date:

The lid to my gray trash bin has been holding on by one hinge for months. It is now gone for good. Can it be replaced> Bin number 7171668

closed #188793

Street Lights

2705 N Blue Ridge CT

Case Date:

The street light in our cul de sac is burned out and needs replaced. Thank you

closed #188787

Street Trees

416 E Lakewood DR

Case Date:

Walnut exit from Blue Ridge neighborhood. Cars coming into town from the north traveling south are hidden by the brush when trying to turn left onto walnut from Blue Ridge Dr. This iOS very dangerous as this traffic is traveling quite fast. If we could get the brush/shrubs trimmed back so we can see further down the road this would be very helpful

closed #188197


407 E Blue Ridge DR

Case Date:

Did not pick up recycling on our side of the street.