closed #164315
- Case Date:
- 5/8/2018
The recycling/trash container in front of 430 Kirkwood is broken and filthy. Needs to be replaced. Thanks!
The recycling/trash container in front of 430 Kirkwood is broken and filthy. Needs to be replaced. Thanks!
724 E. Moody Dr. Has a Car Hauler Parked on an Unimproved Surface. This is something they have been warned of before but is an ongoing problem. Sunday they were using it as a work bench and were pounding out metal on it. Lots of noise and this is less then 10 ft from my window
724 E. Moody Dr. Has a Car Hauler Parked on an Unimproved Surface. This is something they have been warned of before but is an ongoing problem. Sunday they were using it as a work bench and were pounding out metal on it. Lots of noise and this is less then 10 ft from my window
House has couches and furniture in the yard, trash all over the yard that travels across and in to the street near the poplars garage. This trash and debris has been outside and growing since last week.
Hi -- I live at 811 S. Fess Ave., and we have a hazardous street tree situation. Specifically, one of our street trees has several dead branches that are hanging over the street and sidewalk -- as such, we worry about a branch falling and injuring a pedestrian or car. I think the branches could be easily pruned with an extended trimmer -- we don't have one, though. Thank you so much for your attention to this matter -- best wishes, Geoff & Shari Sprinkle.
I live at 918 W 4th St. Street light across from my house, on the northeast corner of the Rosehill cemetery on 4th st, appears to be in the process of falling over. Pole is split in a couple spots. Also, the light never turns off. Thanks.
This really isn't about a blocked street, per se, but about street construction. The recently constructed building at Henderson and Hillside has already protruded significantly into the intersection, making that area difficult to navigate, especially for turning trucks and buses. Now the construction company is pouring a new curb to the south that sticks out still further, narrowing the roadway more and earlier, making it harder to clear the intersection (especially the left hand turn lane) and very confining for cyclists. Could someone from the city please confirm that they are actually adding the curb where it should be? It seems to be sticking out significantly further than the old one did before this project started, restricting this road and the intersection.
Road lane lines are almost imperceptible in daylight, absolutely so in the dark, and the old blacked-out lines are the ONLY thing visible in the dark and rain. Dangerous!
918 East first st. Sidewalk on Woodlawn side obstructed by fence and vegetation
This an insane amount of trash, broken glass, furniture and shit all over this yard. Why isn't the city riding their ass every day?! Y'all should make a point of driving past these assholes place everyday.