
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (58)

closed #199213

Parks & Playgrounds

W Rca Park Dr

Case Date:

I let you know both both basketball courts and at playground at rca park water fountain turned off that means people have no water I thought water fountain turn off during winter and cold weather plus park bathroom lock without notice for public Thanks

closed #193604

Parks & Playgrounds

401 N Morton ST

Case Date:

Someone keeps vandalizing the drinking fountains at Bloomington Rail Trail entrance off country club by smearing mud or feces on the water spout

closed #193548

Parks & Playgrounds

2101 1/2 S Rogers ST

Case Date:

At switchyard dog park in the large dog area, there is a huge pool of muddy water. It looks like when they fixed the puddle the other month, it just moved the problem to a different spot and is now even worse. Where the pipe drains out, it has created a large pool of muddy water that dogs lay in, eat, and drink. This is a health hazard for the dogs, and they seem to be drawn to the mud because of the heat. I ask that this hole be filled, and that the pipe extends to a location that does not flood the dog park to avoid this issue from continuing to happen.

closed #192972

Parks & Playgrounds

Case Date:

Since the storm there are multiple tree limbs still down. Last night a limb fell and is blocking the handicap parking spot and is a hazard hanging over the water fountain as well. Also the playground is a mess with tall weeds and thistle as well as in need for mulch.

closed #192351

Parks & Playgrounds

2301 S Highland Ave

Case Date:

Drinking fountain starts seeping water out of the seam when it has been running for a while and leaks everywhere.

open #192188

Parks & Playgrounds

Park Ridge East Park

Case Date:

Wish list: We would love a fence around the baseball diamond! Currently balls often get lost in the tall grass/trees and roll down the hill. If a fence is not possible, could a perimeter mound be built so that when balls near the end of the field they slow down and don't go further. On the tennis court, a solo practice bounce wall would also be awesome so that kids/adults could play alone if a partner is not available. Lastly, could a pet dish attachment be added on the water fountain.

closed #191286

Parks & Playgrounds

2201 S Jean St

Case Date:

There are two very large and deep muddy puddles in the large dog park area at Switchyard. One is located by the large tree in the center of the park, and the other is located by the sitting area under the green awning. My dog recently got into the muddy water, ate and drank it, and became severely sick for several days. After speaking with several dog owners at the park, this has happened with their dogs too, so it is definitely a health hazard. It is very difficult to keep the dogs away from these areas. This does not seem to be a problem just after rainfall, but most of the time. I ask that they be filled with gravel or fenced off to allow for regrowth and to keep dogs away in the meantime. Thank you!

closed #189984

Parks & Playgrounds

1601 S Rogers St

Case Date:

Do you know why there water issues at swichyard park when swichyard park fix for us use

closed #188489

Parks & Playgrounds

Case Date:

Case# 188472 Sorry, The problem is at the Park Ridge Park, Longview Avenue and North Glenwood Avenue West. Someone familiar with how the drinking fountain works could possibly fix it quickly. It appears the drain is clogged on the lower of the two fountains and the water pressure when you press the button to activate it, is too high! So, if you could have someone take a look at it and make the needed adjustments, that would be great! Thanks, Warren

closed #188486

Parks & Playgrounds

2120 S Highland Ave, Bloomington, IN 47401, USA

Case Date:

I completely understand that weather is no one‘s fault, but we need to find a way to protect the Winslow baseball fields from rain. My family and many others have paid for the Bloomington junior league baseball Association season and we are now going on the third consecutive night of canceled games. Only field three appears to have standing water. Can you all please work to find a solution to maybe cover or tarp the infield so they do not get waterlogged and the games can be played. Thank you for your consideration.