Potholes, Other Street Repair
310 N Lincoln ST
- Case Date:
- 11/8/2024
310 and 308 N. Lincoln has significant water drainage issues when it rains. We used to have a curb on that side of Lincoln, but it was removed. We need to have a small curb created to keep the rainwater from running down the driveway and into the units. The curb should run from just north of 310, all the way to the east side of 301 Lincoln Street.
Potholes, Other Street Repair
517 E Kirkwood AVE
- Case Date:
- 11/6/2024
Probably not much can be done about this, but the new parking lot over the recently redone culvert downtown by People's Park has a low spot right where the diagonal path crosses through it. The low spot has been accumulating water after rains, and it seems the grading as it is prevents the water from going anywhere. Likely over time this will facilitate degradation of the pavement, but more importantly at present it creates a little lake that pedestrians and bicycles must travel through, and will probably produce a slick spot there when the temperature drops. Is there any way to have this area looked at and have it redone so that water drains away? Not clear if this is a City issue or not, given the entire lot is owned by IU.
Unsafe Buildings
309 W Watson ST
- Case Date:
- 10/23/2024
I want to start off by saying this property is in my name, the mobile homes are not but anyway. My husband is living in these conditions and I have concerns for his health as he is very depressed and a diabetic and does not take care of himself very well. The mobile home has no running water in the home nor does he have gas in the home for the heat and stove. The floors are very week in several spots, the bathroom floor has fell through and has a board over the top of a whole and in the rest of the mobile home the floor is so nasty, you have to wear shoes to walk on in there. The tub is sitting on bricks, he has blankets hung up at the front of the hallway to block of the rest of the mobile home so he can contain the heat in the living room where he stays, you can barely walk in there because of everything being in that one room. During the winter time, he puts a blanket up right as you walk in the door again to block the living room off from the kitchen to contain the heat. He has a dog that urinates in the home when he is not there and in the middle of the night. I mean the mobile home is in really bad shape and to me should be condemned.
Unsafe Buildings
3209 E 10th ST BLDG Q
- Case Date:
- 6/29/2024
I’ve had some health problems while staying in my apartment here in fountain park apartments due to black mold and a mice infestation. The black mold was found in my kitchen next to the water heater where it had flooded that year and soaked into the wood and rotted. They sprayed it with something to make it go away but I believe it’s still inside of the walls and other parts of the apartment. I’ve been having breathing problems the entire time I’ve stayed here and have documented it all. The apartment manager had someone do an air test inside and outside of the apartment. I don’t feel safe because of my existing health issues and I barely stay in my apartment. My apartment has flooded many times and according to my neighbor this has happened for years because of poor plumbing.
- Case Date:
- 5/30/2024
See case #188527. Garbage still piled up against house. Tenants do not seem to care about warnings or small fines. Can the fines be associated with their water bill so that it gets turned off if they do not pay?
3521 N Valleyview DR
- Case Date:
- 3/29/2024
The renter has had eight tires sitting in front of his garage since August of 2023. He has been asked to remove them but he only parked his huge white SUV in front of them. 1. they are unsightly 2. during the warm months the mosquitos will breed in the trapped water.
Potholes, Other Street Repair
207 S Rogers ST
- Case Date:
- 3/26/2024
I don't have a current photo but particularly since the utility work completed on this stretch of road the parking spots in front of the shops flood and hold water. The gradient actually seems to slope away from the drain instead of towards. As a result, we frequently have to bail out the parking spots to make them usable for customers. Flooding issues include the accessible parking spot, which poses a risk to the mobility impaired. How can we best collaborate on a solution? Thanks!
Potholes, Other Street Repair
401 N Dunn ST
- Case Date:
- 3/14/2024
Near the alley way at 401 N Dunn water does not drain properly and builds up with gravel and dirt making it difficult for handicap travel. 8th Street has been paved over so many times that drainage is impaired. There is quite a bit of debris there now and this holds a lot of water during a rain event. Finally the alley has been patched a little but it is in pretty bad shape and needs redone. Thank you; Dave Kamen
Unsafe Buildings
2701 S Madison ST
- Case Date:
- 2/14/2024
There are on average 6-7 cars parked in the grass and drive. There are piles of trash surrounding the trashcans in the front. They've made a DIY fence made of baby gates, random fences and items they've found. From what I understand they do not rent, but are possibly past an eviction notice. It's possible there is no running water so where are all these people going to the bathroom or water? There are dogs on the property. How are they getting water? The building is falling apart. The city needs to step in and help the owner with this situation. There have been multiple reports on this property, animal control has been at the property regularly.
Potholes, Other Street Repair
- Case Date:
- 1/25/2024
A back tire on my car was completely blown out tonight driving down High Street between Maxwell & Covenanter. The pot holes along that stretch are REDICULOUS!!! They were all filled with water due to rain so I couldn't see them and I almost lost control of my vehicle when my tire went into a deep one. My car was forced onto the sidewalk. I could have hit someone walking there! SOMETHING MUST BE DONE TO REPAIR THAT STREET!! It will cost me over $800 to get my car towed and new tire + installation. PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS VERY DANGEROUS SITUATION!