
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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closed #150717

Traffic Related Complaints

1014 E Thornton DR

Case Date:

Location 1008 E Thornton Dr.; Public safety/ traffic/ residential parking issue: Large amount of shoulder stone has eroded away due to to water run off from the street. Creating a large rut and beginning to undermine the edge of the steets pavement. (avg. 50'x1'x1') with the stone being washed towards Henderson St. then into the storm sewer system. This issue has been reported on multiple occasions over the last year by multiple residents.

closed #199235

City Construction Projects

1202 e 1st st and 1208 1st st

Case Date:

There is a hole at the curb at the end our adjoining driveways, 1202 and 1208 E 1st. This has developed after the attempted temporary fix which was made after attempting to find the source of a water leak. This was made during the installation of Gigabit now. It is 17 inches deep and when covered with leaves, not visible. Please fix this to prevent damage to our cars.

open #199297

Utility Construction Projects

615 N Washington ST

Case Date:

Fiber co. Cut sidewalk. Someone came to patch with asphalt. Asphalt sunk immediately. Looks like a significant hole in sidewalk. Water meter appears to be affected as well - tilting towards the hole (did not use to).

closed #199207

Blocked Street

822 S Fess AVE

Case Date:

The fiber optic company is at it again. I was In Indy all day and come to a blocked street with the fiber optic company striking a water main in the middle of Fess Avenue. Not only did they dig up my yard without notification and it still remains dirt covered WITH NO grass seed, I came home tonight after being in Indy ALL day to finding my driveway inaccessible with 4-5 city trucks, trailers and workers fixing a WATER MAIN break caused by the gigabit folks trying to install fiber optic UNDER the street and hitting a water main line. Who in the city hired and who manages these people??!! Enough is enough!

closed #199237

City Construction Projects

822 S Fess Ave

Case Date:

822 S Fess again. The gigabit people are at it again. End of driveway and into neighbor. Left a hole and trash, plastic debris and empty water bottle. Just abandoned with a hole by neighbors tree at end of drive way. Please get these people under control. So they have left this as if they started digging, changed their mind and left. Then they dug up my front yard and then on Monday, a water main rupture from their digging. ALL other installation has been down the alley WHERE the power lines run. Please respond. Issue #3.

closed #163776

Sidewalk & Curb Complaints

Case Date:

Water struggles to get around e Morningside and n Sheffield without pooling. Any chance curb can be built up a bit there or the cement can be shaved a bit to let the water keep flowing by? Thanks!

closed #164136

Sidewalk & Curb Complaints

Case Date:

Hey, all. I'm at 4021 E. Morningside Drive. Unfortunately I've been experiencing some drainage issues at my corner since the installation of a wheelchair ramp for the sidewalk. There was no issue prior. Terrific having the ramp for folks, plus the earlier sidewalk, but unfortunately it has no lip on it at all. As you can see in the photo, the street is essentially level with part of my yard now, allowing even the smallest rain to flood the corner. I'd love to grow grass but am having difficulties because of the situation. There was grass prior, but someone crashed into the streetlamp, and when it was replaced, the ground got torn up a bit. Beyond my yard, a small pool exists along the corner until it dries out as well, as it is unable to pass on through. Also sediment as you can see in the photo (taken tonight a few hours after the end of today's misting) is washed into the street with each rain. Please see if there can be just the smallest bit of lip and/or incline added with the ramp/sidewalk to keep the water moving instead of creating a muddy corner. Thank you for any help! (Or ideas!) Any chance you all might have a square foot of sod that is fairly water tolerant that can just be placed down there? Might solve my issue without any need for changing anything with the concrete assuming it takes root. I appreciate the consideration and help. There is also a bus stop right at the corner, so more than just helping me, it keeps the bus waiters from standing in the mud.

closed #149896

Sidewalk & Curb Complaints

Case Date:

fiber optic crews have broken out two large chunks of the new curbs installed a few years back to control water run off. I am concerned that these unseated and cracked curbs will cause further water damage that you just fixed. south of 426 e blue ridge dr. is the location and my address. I think the fiber optic people should be fixing this and not the city needing to come back to fix it again. thanks

closed #138495

Sidewalk & Curb Complaints

Case Date:

At (or very close to) 509 N Lincoln St there has been water flowing onto the sidewalk for months. There is now a huge mud slick across several yards of sidewalk that everyone waking on that side has to step into the street to avoid.

closed #192348

Sewer Problems (Storm Sewers)

Case Date:

Our outgoing water pipe backed up and flooded our basement. The plumber ran a camera down the drain and believes the pipe has been hit by the fiber cable installer yesterday, July 19. The plumber said the cable installer should fix the problem. Who should I call?