Utility Construction Projects
615 N Washington ST
- Case Date:
- 11/10/2024
Fiber co. Cut sidewalk. Someone came to patch with asphalt. Asphalt sunk immediately. Looks like a significant hole in sidewalk. Water meter appears to be affected as well - tilting towards the hole (did not use to).
City Construction Projects
822 S Fess Ave
- Case Date:
- 11/6/2024
822 S Fess again. The gigabit people are at it again. End of driveway and into neighbor. Left a hole and trash, plastic debris and empty water bottle. Just abandoned with a hole by neighbors tree at end of drive way. Please get these people under control. So they have left this as if they started digging, changed their mind and left. Then they dug up my front yard and then on Monday, a water main rupture from their digging. ALL other installation has been down the alley WHERE the power lines run. Please respond. Issue #3.
City Construction Projects
1202 e 1st st and 1208 1st st
- Case Date:
- 11/6/2024
There is a hole at the curb at the end our adjoining driveways, 1202 and 1208 E 1st. This has developed after the attempted temporary fix which was made after attempting to find the source of a water leak. This was made during the installation of Gigabit now. It is 17 inches deep and when covered with leaves, not visible. Please fix this to prevent damage to our cars.
Blocked Street
822 S Fess AVE
- Case Date:
- 11/4/2024
The fiber optic company is at it again. I was In Indy all day and come to a blocked street with the fiber optic company striking a water main in the middle of Fess Avenue. Not only did they dig up my yard without notification and it still remains dirt covered WITH NO grass seed, I came home tonight after being in Indy ALL day to finding my driveway inaccessible with 4-5 city trucks, trailers and workers fixing a WATER MAIN break caused by the gigabit folks trying to install fiber optic UNDER the street and hitting a water main line. Who in the city hired and who manages these people??!! Enough is enough!
Sewer Problems (Storm Sewers)
- Case Date:
- 7/20/2024
Our outgoing water pipe backed up and flooded our basement. The plumber ran a camera down the drain and believes the pipe has been hit by the fiber cable installer yesterday, July 19. The plumber said the cable installer should fix the problem. Who should I call?
Water Utility Problems
3242 S Coppertree DR
- Case Date:
- 5/30/2024
This is a photo of a storm water drain which has a visible cable present. This is not a request for action, just making you aware
Traffic Related Complaints
- Case Date:
- 5/17/2024
Thanks but I see done going outside of the parking place markings into a lane of traffic.
On May 17, 2024, at 1:13 PM, uReport <no-reply@bloomington.in.gov> wrote:
Closed by Michael Stewart
Thank you for the question- the areas that are being used for seating for the parklets are all contained within the existing parking spaces and not within what is considered the travelled way. With that in mind, the water-filled barricades are not being used as traffic control devices, but rather as a physical delineation between the seating and the road itself.
Blocked Sidewalk
228 W Kirkwood AVE
- Case Date:
- 3/10/2024
When it rains, water sheds to the west off the B-Line and drops sediment on the sidewalk along Kirkwood. It seems preferable that the water would shed toward Morton Street where the storm water drains can other job. The sediment deposit from the rain last week is still covering the sidewalk on the north side of Kirkwood.
Utilities Construction
2001 E Marilyn DR
- Case Date:
- 1/26/2024
The fiber optic guys are here AGAIN! The are digging and drilling through our property. They asked if they could take down some of our fence to do their work. They admit they are back because they did not do a good job BEFORE.
Our issue - we are concerned of that these contractors will damage our property sewer and/or water lines and we will be the ones stuck to deal with the aftermath of repairs and expense of repairs.
Issue 2 - We have no idea on how to communicate with these guys!! What are our RiGHTS!
Can you guys help us out? We feel helpless!
Utilities Construction
719 W 7th ST
- Case Date:
- 12/15/2023
They had a water line or sewer line emergency at 719 W 7th and contractors tore up a lot of sidewalk on the South Side of W 7th Street in front of the house. Who is responsible for repair or sidewalk? This happened Thursday night and continued all day Friday 12/15. Contractor was Snedegar Construction.