Sidewalk & Curb Complaints
- Case Date:
- 11/1/2018
The sidewalks on the west side of rogers just south of Bloomington Iron & Metal (about 9th street) flood when it rains. A stream flows out of BIM at the south side of their driveway, across the driveway cut for the gym, and then across both driveway cuts for the big one world parking lot. When it is raining hard, there is no way to traverse the gym driveway without standing in 3+ inches of water. Did you know BIM is a superfund site?
Sidewalk & Curb Complaints
- Case Date:
- 8/11/2022
I live at the corner of 16th and Hancock .
I have two points to address. the first, is thtat I talked with an individual last year involved with storm water just after the culvert at my corner had been replaced, and advised this had been a missed opportunity to upsize this culvert, and that I had witnessed overflow of the corner culvert in a number of storms. this past tuesday, August 9, 2022, we had about an hour of rain. Included are pictures of the overflow that lasted about 45 minutes after rain had ceased.
My street has recently been repaved and i thought , perhaps a remedy might be included in this process, however, no.
Additionally, thegravel shoulder that has been added to finalize this new repaving process has stopped short of my property, and the new asphalt topping was not tapered onto my asphalt driveway, even though they primed a sweep into my drive, indicating to me that bonding a transition had probaly originally been intended. Now i have a bump approaching the street that is collecting gravel from these overwash events. the North side of 16th between Monroe and Hancock has not had a gravel shoulder appliction. Is ther more work scheduled to complete the gravel shoulder.
Please view the pictures included.
thanks, bill Goodhew
PS I have two more pictures, but this report format does not allow me to load more than one. Happy to send them to someones phone