Drainage or Runoff
120 S Park Ridge RD
- Case Date:
- 5/20/2020
Water and debris continuously builds up on the west side of the street. The road slopes to the west side and there are no nearby stormwater drains. The closest drain is 1/2 block north on the opposite side of the street. This picture is directly in front of my house. The pavement at this site erodes due to all the standing water and debris and requires consistent patching. I have lived at this address for 16 years and this has been an ongoing problem. I have concerns this will only get worse as there is a new bus route starting in August which will be using this stretch of the road several times a day. I am told the road is to be resurfaced this summer however, without a proper drain system in place this will not resolve the problem. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Drainage or Runoff
1524 W 8th ST
- Case Date:
- 5/31/2020
At the tree line behind my house and garage, there has been inches of water standing since around Thursday or Friday. I have lived here for 30 years and have never seen the water standing like this. I believe something has happened at the house behind the trees and draining down into my yard. The house had had issues of the homeless in and out of there and I am deeply concerned about the damage to my, and my neighbor's yards. Please advise
Drainage or Runoff
918 W 13th CT
- Case Date:
- 6/12/2020
Hi. I just want to say that I really appreciate the Adopt-a-Drain program. I was told about it by a city worker named Kriste. Anyway, I've complained for years about the storm drains on Blair Avenue. They get clogged (mostly by grass clippings from people mowing) and then the rain doesn't drain well. For years I said, why doesn't the city clean these? I was annoyed about it because the water would carry seeds and dirt, which would collect in my gutter, and then the next thing I know I have to mow my gutter! lol! So for the past four years I've been cleaning out my gutter, muttering to myself about the drain, and then every now and then cleaning it out, too. When I heard about Adopt-a-Drain, I realized that I could handle that task for two drains on Blair Avenue that impact my yard. Kriste also taught me that the city has over 12,000 drains, far too many to handle without some help. So, now I know that I can help, and I'm glad to do it. Great program!
Drainage or Runoff
202 S Rogers ST
- Case Date:
- 5/6/2021
The southwest corner of 4th and Rogers intersection has terrible drainage and creates a giant puddle that makes it impossible for pedestrians to cross without stepping into inches of pooled water. The harder it rains, the worse it gets. The giant puddle doesn't go away quickly, either. Please fix this sidewalk.
Drainage or Runoff
102 S Waldron ST
- Case Date:
- 6/22/2021
Hello -
I am the homeowner at 102 South Waldron St. here in Bloomington. This past Friday my basement flooded an excessive amount (3 feet) due to water buildup on Waldron Street. This has happened 4 times over the past 6 years I have lived here because the water has nowhere to go due to the flat area at the bottom of Waldron Street. I am requesting a storm drain be installed on Waldron Street just North of my house and in front of 100 South Waldron Street. My neighbors basement has also been severely flooded over the years due to water buildup from the street - the homeowners name is Simon Ladd. We both have sub pumps in our basements (I actually have 2) and it still doesn’t solve the flooding issue. I have spoken to Mr. Ladd and we both agree the best solution is for the city to install a storm drain.
My number is 812-369-0765. I would love to meet with someone from engineering regarding this issue and show them exactly what’s going on with the water.
Thank you,
-Kyle Spears
Drainage or Runoff
2711 N Dunn ST
- Case Date:
- 10/12/2021
The northwest corner of our yard has been inundated with water for the past several weeks. There is standing water as well as super-saturated ground. The water appears to originate from the utility strip between properties toward Clover. This does not appear to be related to rain or storm events. The water drains to the south, but the amount present doesn't lessen. This makes us think there is a leak in either a water main or a storm drain or another source. The saturation leads to worries about the mature trees along the property line coming over. The ground is boggy and one cannot walk or mow in this area. Your attention to this will be appreciated.
Drainage or Runoff
2711 N Dunn ST
- Case Date:
- 10/13/2021
I reported water coming into our yard before.(uReport Case #177856) Your answer was that it was probably coming from neighbor's pool. That pool is to the southwest and they do indeed drain it into the yard, but it is not the source of water coming from uphill, close to properties on Clover on the northwest side of the yard. The water comes from somewhere close to 400 Clover Lane. As the property line and utility easement are wooded and covered with vegetation it is difficult to tell where the water originates, but it is clearly outside of our yard. I would be glad to discuss this and my concerns with you: 812-955-8220; or to meet with someone and show them where and what the problem is.
Thanks, Ginny Richey
Drainage or Runoff
317 W 14th ST
- Case Date:
- 7/31/2022
There are multiple areas of stormwater runoff and pooling occurring on my property due to the development and ensuing increased runoff produced by the adjacent property at 910 N Madison St.
My observations of increased water on my property come from regrading of the property to be higher than mine, a capped drain, building on the N-S alleyway that used to serve as a way for runoff to flow to the street, and redirection of water onto my properties via gutters, tubing, and installed drainage flows that direct onto my property on the north and northeast side of the 910 N Madison property. This has caused flooding in my basement, yard, and driveway that was not there prior to the redevelopment of this property and the vacation of the alley.
I have more photos of where the stormwater drainage from this property is deliberately directed onto my properties, but am not able to upload them here due to the limit of one photo.
All of lots surrounding this home are now on the market for development at an increased density. My concern is for my current situation and for the increased drainage issues that will come from further densification without mitigation to protect me and my surrounding neighbors.
I would appreciate someone to come out to my property to see the current situation and drains installed by the City that are not functioning to protect my properties at 317 W 14th and 920 N Madison from damage by stormwater runoff.
Drainage or Runoff
389 E Varsity LN
- Case Date:
- 10/24/2022
I believe a pipe has burst. Water is flooding the parking lot and is coming up from the sidewalks.
Drainage or Runoff
407 E Varsity LN
- Case Date:
- 10/24/2022
There is a large water main break outside of 407 E Varsity Lane in Bloomington IN, Water is pouring up from the sidewalk and causing a stream to run down the side of the house. Needs urgent care. Likely shutoff.