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Bloomington/Monroe County Metropolitan Planning Organization Wins Award for Complete Streets Policy

April 29, 2010

For more information, contact:
Scott Robinson, Long Range & Transportation Manager, Planning Department, City of Bloomington, 349-3423,;
Jared Schlemmer, Assistant Deputy Mayor, City of Bloomington, 349-3406,

Bloomington, IN -- The Bloomington/Monroe County Metropolitan Planning Organization (BMCMPO) Complete Streets Policy received the 2010 "Outstanding Project" award from the Indiana Chapter of the American Planning Association.

This is the second year in a row the organization has been rewarded for its efforts, after receiving the "Outstanding MPO Planning Project" award at the annual Indiana Metropolitan Planning Organization Conference in 2009.

The BMCMPO's Complete Streets Policy was the first of its kind in Indiana and has inspired the adoption of other similar policies across the State. The policy requires all new local road projects that use federal funding programmed by the BMCMPO to accommodate all users of a corridor, including pedestrians, bicyclists, users of mass transit, people with disabilities, the elderly, motorists, freight providers, emergency providers and adjacent land users. The process-driven policy requires transparent project development with measurable outcomes and increased public participation, which results in better accommodations for all users of a transportation corridor.

"A great deal of effort went into the formation of the Complete Streets Policy," said Josh Desmond, City Assistant Director of Planning and BMCMPO Director. "Staff and the committees of the BMCMPO should take great pride in the fact that their efforts to accommodate all modes of transportation in road projects are being recognized as a best practice in the state of Indiana."

Work on the Complete Streets Policy began in 2007 when the BMCMPO Citizens Advisory Committee began researching ways to ensure that the needs of all transportation users be accommodated as part of the design of transportation projects. The policy was adopted in early 2009 after extensive coordination among the different committees of the BMCMPO.

According to the Complete Streets Coalition (, more than 120 Complete Streets policies have been adopted across the country. For more information contact Scott Robinson, City Planning Long Range & Transportation Manager at 349-3423, or see the BMCMPO adopted policy online at
