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Council for Community Accessibility Lends Support for the Arc of Indiana Campaign

November 29, 2010

For more information, please contact:
Katie Herron, Chair of Council for Community Accessibility, City of Bloomington, 333.2074
Barbara McKinney, Human Rights Attorney, City of Bloomington, 349.3429
Craig Brenner, Community & Family Resources Special Projects Coordinator, City of Bloomington, 349.3471
Jared Schlemmer, Communications Director, City Bloomington, 349.3406,

BLOOMINGTON, IN -- The City of Bloomington Council for Community Accessibility (CCA) has passed a resolution formally expressing its support for the Arc of Indiana's "Pathways to Empowerment" initiative. The Arc of Indiana is an advocacy association for people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities and their families. The "Pathways to Empowerment" initiative is meant to redesign Indiana's system of programs and services for people with disabilities so it provides individuals and their families with what they want and need in the most sensible way possible.

The CCA aims to build coalitions with groups that have similar interests, and the Arc of Indiana shares the goal of building a better living environment and future for all people with disabilities. John Dickerson, Executive Director of the Arc of Indiana, was the keynote speaker at the CCA's recent Annual Awards Ceremony, where he described the Building Pathways to Empowerment Campaign and thanked the CCA for its support.

The CCA is made up of diverse members, including those who have disabilities or have family members with disabilities. Its objectives are to improve public awareness, accessibility, advocacy, advice and action for those with disabilities in our community.

For information about the Council for Community Accessibility, please visit or call Craig Brenner, Special Projects Coordinator, at 349-3471.
