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Three Local Women Selected for this Year's Woman of the Year, Lifetime Contribution and Emerging Leader Awards

February 14, 2011

For more information, please contact:
Cathi Crabtree, City of Bloomington Commission on the Status of Women, 272-1600
Debra Vance, City of Bloomington Commission on the Status of Women, 330-6111
Sue Owens, Program Specialist, Community & Family Resources Dept., City of Bloomington, 349-3468
Jared Schlemmer, Communications Director, City of Bloomington, 349-3406, []

Bloomington, IN
- Mayor Mark Kruzan announced today that three local women will be honored this March for their outstanding service to the community.

Georg'ann Cattelona has been named Bloomington's Woman of the Year, Sue Webster has been named the recipient of the Lifetime Contribution Award, and Sheri Benham has been chosen to receive the Emerging Leader Award.

The recipients were selected by members of the Woman of the Year Subcommittee of the City of Bloomington's Commission on the Status of Women. The Woman of the Year and Lifetime Contribution Award recipients will be honored at the Women's History Month lunch on Tuesday, March 8 at the Convention Center of Bloomington-Monroe County, 302 S. College Avenue.

"It's important during Women's History Month to recognize those who have done great things in our community," said Kruzan. "It's a good opportunity to look at things on a national and local scale."

The lunch is an opportunity to recognize individual and collective accomplishments of women in our community. In addition, organizations for women and women-owned businesses will have exhibits at the luncheon. The exhibit reservation form is available at [].

The theme of this year's event, which will be held on International Women's Day, is "Our History is Our Strength." The Honorable Dr. Julia Duany, Undersecretary of Parliamentary Affairs Government of Southern Sudan will be the keynote speaker at the luncheon.

Woman of the Year Georg'ann Cattelona founded Bloomington Area Birth Services (BABS) in 1994 and has worked tirelessly for more than 16 years on a local, state and national level to advocate for pregnant women's care. As a founding member of the Postpartum Depression Task Force, Georg'ann has been widely influential in addressing postpartum depression in the community. She leads the Monroe County Perinatal Mood Disorder Committee, a multidisciplinary group striving to improve diagnosis and access to care for patients with PMD. She helped launch the new Lactation Center at BABS and works locally to support midwives and train doulas. She is a member of the Smart Start steering committee, the Physical/Mental Working Group and she spearheaded a project to develop an ABC book for children. Georg'ann has participated in various community partnerships where she is an enthusiastic, contributing member and leader.

Lifetime Contribution Award winner Sue Webster, National President of Federally Employed women since 2008, has dedicated her career to advocating for the advancement of women in government and assuring diversity in the workplace. As a consequence of her efforts, there are more job opportunities for women, a greater commitment to their personal and professional growth, and training programs that address the special needs and concerns of working women. Sue also is involved in mentoring through IUPUI's Alumni Mentors and the Naval Sea Systems mentoring program. Webster's awards include FEW Crane Supervisor of the Year, Indiana Torchbearer and the FEW Barbara Boardman Tennat Award.

The Women's History Month Lunch begins at 12:15 p.m. on March 8. Doors open at 11:15 a.m. for viewing of women's exhibits. The cost is $20 per seat; seats must be purchased in advance. Checks payable to "City of Bloomington - Women's History Month Lunch" along with name to appear on guest list may be sent to Women's History Month Lunch, Commission on the Status of Women, PO Box 100, Bloomington, IN 47402. Seats can also be purchased at the Community & Family Resources Department, Suite 260 at City Hall, 401 N Morton Street. The deadline for purchasing seats is Friday, March 4. Scholarships are available for individuals that need assistance purchasing a seat to attend the lunch.

The Emerging Leader Award will be presented at the annual Women's Leadership Development Workshop, on Thursday, March 31 at City Hall from 5 to 7:30 p.m. This year's theme is "Leadership Through Advocacy," and there is no fee to attend.

For more information about the lunch or workshop, contact Sue Owens at 349-3468 or [].
