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City Installs New Pedestrian Crosswalk Signs Along B-Line Trail

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November 28, 2011

For more information, please contact:
Jared Schlemmer, Communications Director, City of Bloomington, 349.3406, []
Justin Wykoff, Manager of Engineering Services, City of Bloomington, 349.3417

Bloomington, IN -- The City of Bloomington recently installed new signs along the B-Line Trail to improve the safety of pedestrians, and to raise awareness and educate drivers of their continuing obligation to yield to [image:10805,right]pedestrians crossing the street within a marked crosswalk.

The new signs are prominently located between the travel lanes of the roadway to draw the attention of motorists and reference Indiana Law by stating "State Law Yield to Pedestrians." This sign has been included in the recent edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (M.U.T.C.D.), which provides guidance to communities on the appropriate use of signs within the public right of way.

Indiana Code Section 9-21-8-37 makes it clear that all motor vehicle drivers have a duty to exercise due care to avoid colliding with a pedestrian or a bicyclist. Pedestrians and drivers alike should always remain alert and mindful when using the City's roadways. For more information about the signs call the City of Bloomington Engineering Division at 340-3417.
