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Jack Hopkins Social Services Funding Committee Announces Availability of Funding



March 5, 2014

For additional information, please contact:

Daniel Sherman, Council Administrator, City of Bloomington Office of the Common Council, 349.3409

Stacy Jane Rhoads, Assistant Council Administrator, City of Bloomington Office of the Common Council, 349.3409

Jack Hopkins Social Services Funding Committee Announces Availability of Funding

Bloomington, Ind. - The Jack Hopkins Social Services Funding Committee of the City of Bloomington Common Council announces that it is accepting applications from social service agencies for use of $266,325 in social service funds.

Committee Chair Tim Mayer is pleased announce this is the City's 22nd year assisting the nonprofit sector in addressing unmet needs for social services in the community. Mayer said that the Committee looks for creative proposals that will make a significant contribution to improve the community condition.

The Committee has made several changes to the program this year. Examples of changes include that funded agencies submit their last claim for reimbursement no later than Dec. 6 and applicants identify outcome indicators in their narratives that help measure the success of the proposed projects. In addition, the Committee revised the criteria for applicants applying under the collaborative initiative, started in 2012. Given these changes and many more, agencies are strongly encouraged to read the application material closely and to attend the Technical Assistance meeting being offered on Monday, March 17at 4 p.m. in the McCloskey Room of City Hall, 401 N. Morton St.

Important Dates

  • Deadline for Applications: Monday, March 31 by 4 p.m. in the Council Office, 401 N. Morton St., Suite 110. Applications can be emailed to:

  • Agency Presentations: Monday, May 8 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 401 N. Morton St., Suite 115

  • Committee Allocation Recommendations: Thursday, May 22 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers

  • Council Consideration of Committee Recommendations: Wednesday, June 18 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 401 N. Morton St., Suite 115


  • The program should address a previously-identified priority for social services funds (as indicated in the SCAN Report, the City's Housing and Neighborhood Development Department's 2010-2014 Consolidated Plan or other community-wide survey of social service needs);

  • The funds should provide a one-time investment that, through matching funds or other fiscal leveraging, makes a significant contribution to the program; and

  • This investment in the program should lead to broad and long-lasting benefits to the community.

The program is named in memory of former Councilmember Jack Hopkins who, along with former Councilmember and Mayor John Fernandez, helped establish the social services funding program in 1993. Since its inception, the program has provided approximately $3.14 million in one-time funding to social services agencies for projects which made a difference in the lives of City residents who are low- to moderate-income, under 18 years of age, elderly, affected with a disability or otherwise disadvantaged.

The 2014 Committee consists of five members of the Common Council and two members of other City entities. The Council is represented by Chair Tim Mayer, Darryl Neher, Andy Ruff, Susan Sandberg and Marty Spechler. Mike Gentile and Linda Sievers complete the Committee.

To learn more or to obtain an application, please call the Council Office at 349.3409 or visit the [Committee's website|/jack-hopkins].
