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Council for Community Accessibility Awards “AccessAbility” Decals


April 30, 2014

For more information, please contact:

Craig Brenner, Special Projects Coordinator, City of Bloomington Department of Community and Family Resources, 349.3471,

Katie Herron, Chair, City of Bloomington Council for Community Accessibility, 333.2074

Council for Community Accessibility Awards "AccessAbility" Decals

Bloomington, Ind. - The City of Bloomington Council for Community Accessibility (CCA) is pleased to announce local businesses that have been awarded "AccessAbility" decals during April, the City's designated Accessibility Month. The decals indicate businesses which meet accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as determined by CCA volunteers and are thus welcoming to people with disabilities, their friends and families.

The awardees are:

  • Bloomingfoods Elm Heights, 614 E. Second Street

  • Bloomingfoods Ivy Tech, 200 Daniels Way, Room C133

  • Chick-fil-A, 3020 E. Third Street

  • Global Gifts, 122 N. Walnut St.

  • Mr. Hibachi, 4400 E. Third Street

  • Shalom Center, 620 S. Walnut Street

The decal program was established in 1993 to survey and recognize businesses that are accessible to persons with disabilities. Since the program began, more than 143 local businesses have been awarded the "AccessAbility" decals to display in their windows or on their doors.

CCA members and Indiana University and Ivy Tech Community College students have surveyed businesses after training by the CCA. This has enabled students to gain hands-on experience while educating the public about the needs of people with disabilities and the requirements of the ADA.

Any business may obtain a decal if it meets basic accessibility guidelines regarding parking, entrance, access within the business, common areas, restrooms and a few other concerns. The minimum basic criteria include requirements that a business:

  • Offers accessible parking with appropriate markings and signage, if public parking is provided

  • Has an entrance doorway at least 32" wide and an unobstructed route at least 36" wide within the business so customers can access goods and services

  • Has restrooms which may be used by a person using a wheelchair, if public restrooms are provided

By displaying the decal, a business informs the public that it welcomes people with disabilities along with all customers. A list of businesses that have received decals can be found at

Businesses that believe they meet accessibility requirements that would like a free consultation, or those that have an older AccessAbility decal and would like an updated survey and decal, can contact Special Projects Coordinator Craig Brenner at or 349.3471.
