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Mayor Hamilton Announces “Mayor at the Market”

March 31, 2016

For more information, please contact:
Mary Catherine Carmichael, Communications Director, City of Bloomington Office of the Mayor

Mayor Hamilton Announces "Mayor at the Market"

Bloomington, Ind. - Mayor John Hamilton announced a new, informal way to interact with residents and visitors attending the Bloomington Farmer's Market. Beginning this Saturday, April 2, Mayor Hamilton will be available for informal conversations he is calling "Mayor at the Market".

"One of the things I loved about campaigning was the opportunity to visit with folks and learn what's on their minds. It made me a better candidate, and it will make me a better mayor. I welcome anyone who would like to chat to stop by. I'm looking forward to this opportunity", explained Hamilton.

This Saturday he will be available from 10 to 11 a.m. just outside the main entrance to City Hall on the Showers Commons.

"This isn't going to be a slick media event; just interested people, a couple of lawn chairs, and some good conversation. I plan to be there at least one Saturday a month during the season meeting with Market goers."

The Mayor's times will vary over the season, and will be announced in local media ahead of of each Market Saturday.

"I'm going to invite various City of Bloomington department heads to join me over the course of the season, so people will get a chance to know them better, too. I think this has the potential to be a lot of fun. Besides the terrific local food, that's a lot of what the Market is about; visiting with people and fun."
