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City Reminds Residents to Keep Sidewalks and Ramps Clear of Snow 2016

December 9, 2016

For more information, please contact:
Mary Catherine Carmichael, Communications Director,, 812-349-3406

City Reminds Residents to Keep Sidewalks and Ramps Clear of Snow

Bloomington, Ind. - The City of Bloomington Housing and Neighborhood Development Department (HAND) reminds residents to keep sidewalks, including walks and ramps leading to crosswalks, clear for pedestrian safety during the winter months.

Under the Bloomington Municipal Code, property owners must remove snow and ice from their sidewalks within 24 hours following the accumulation of snow or ice. Not complying with this ordinance could result in significant injuries to pedestrians commuting throughout the community and potential fines for property owners. Fines are incremental during the snow season: the first fine starts at $50, the second comes to $100 and the third and all subsequent fines amount to $150 each.

HAND's proactive enforcement will start with the downtown snow removal area and sidewalks leading to area schools. If citizens notice an area in need of attention or would like more information on the sidewalk ordinance, please contact HAND at 812-349-3420.

In the downtown snow removal area, the minimum clear path shall be the lesser of 54 inches or the clear width of the paved sidewalk. The downtown snow removal area is defined as:

  • College Avenue and Walnut Street from Third Street to Tenth Street;
  • Gentry Street from Fourth Street to Fifth Street;
  • Morton Street from Fifth Street to Tenth Street;
  • Third Street between Walnut Street and College Avenue;
  • Fourth Street between Walnut Street and Gentry Avenue;
  • Segments of Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Streets from Walnut Street to Morton Street; and
  • Kirkwood Avenue from Indiana Avenue to Rogers Street.

Tips for removing snow and ice from sidewalks include:

  • Shovel carefully.
  • Do not lift too much or it can lead to back strain.
  • Clear the snow down to the sidewalk surface. If snowfall begins with a layer of ice, residents may want to consider spreading sand or cinders to help remove the ice and aid in traction.
  • Break away heavy ice with an ice chipper or straight edge hoe. Deep digging may result in damage to the sidewalk.
  • A good shovel with an ergonomic handle is a valuable tool when attempting to clear snow or ice.

HAND also reminds residents to plan ahead; those leaving Bloomington should make arrangements to ensure the walks are kept clear. Residents with health concerns should talk to neighbors, neighborhood associations or churches about receiving assistance. The City also would like to remind residents that keeping sidewalks and ramps clear of snow and ice is especially important for our neighbors with mobility-related issues.
