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Bloomington Firefighters Ratify Contract

December 19, 2016

For more information, please contact:

Mary Catherine Carmichael, Communications Director,, 812-349-3406

Bloomington Firefighters Ratify Contract

Bloomington, Ind. - On December 10, 2016 Bloomington Metropolitan Firefighters Local 586 tallied member votes and by majority accepted the City of Bloomington's offer for their Collective Bargaining Agreement. This agreement outlined several improvements for City of Bloomington Firefighters including: two (2) percent raises for every position every year over the next four years, an addition of $500 to the longevity pay, Kelly Days, a quartermaster system for their protective gear, and a minor restructure of the rank system. The most significant of these improvements is the quartermaster system in which members will no longer be required to purchase and maintain the protective gear that keeps them safe while they carry out their sworn duties.

"These are some of the folks on the front lines ensuring our safety every day of the year. We all are grateful for their efforts and I am pleased that this first collective bargaining process in my administration produced a fair and prudent result acceptable to all," Mayor John Hamilton stated.

Fire Chief Jason Moore commented on the contract, "Our focus is always on two main priorities: keeping our citizens safe and ensuring the safety of our firefighters. This contract enables our firefighters to address both of those priorities with confidence."

Bloomington Metropolitan Firefighters Local 586 President Bob Loviscek said, "We're pleased that a majority of the membership have accepted the City's offer and we look forward to working with the administration on future BFD initiatives."

The contract is one of several fire department accomplishments in 2016, including the purchase of a new fire engine and command vehicle, increasing training hours by 84 percent, and completing a recruit school.

With an accepted offer, City Administration will present the contract, affected salary ordinances, and other budgetary changes to the City Council of January 11, 2017 with a second reading scheduled for January 18, 2017.
