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Page last updated on July 13, 2017 at 11:18 am

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Kris Taylor, Evergreen Leadership,, 765-404-8950

Beth Rosenbarger Receives Statewide Award for Community Leadership

Bloomington, Ind. – Beth Rosenbarger, Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator for the City of Bloomington Planning and Transportation Department, is being honored as a 2017 Community Builder with an award conferred by Evergreen Leadership. Rosenbarger is among 15 leaders from across Indiana receiving this award based on their commitment to their communities, exemplary workplace leadership, and desire to collaborate with like-minded peers.

“I am excited for this opportunity to further develop skills I can use to serve the community. It is an honor and a great recognition for all the groups I work with in Bloomington and Monroe County to improve accessibility and promote equitable transportation for all,” said Rosenbarger. Rosenbarger coordinates her efforts to improve walking and bicycling for all ages and abilities with several organizations including Indiana University, Monroe County government, Open Streets Bloomington and the Monroe County Commission on Access and Mobility, among others.

As part of the award, Rosenbarger will attend Evergreen Leadership’s Connect & Create Retreat at Wooded Glen Conference Center. During the retreat, the award winners will spend time connecting with one another and creating opportunities to build a better future. Participants will also develop leadership skills they can bring back to their workplace and communities.

Evergreen Leader’s founder Kris Taylor will run the two-day Connect & Create Retreat. Taylor created this award as a way to recognize and connect the state’s emerging leaders (ages 25-40).    

“Our future depends on great leaders,” said Taylor, “and making connections as a leader is more important now than ever.”  

To find out more about the Community Builders Award, visit
