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Page last updated on November 2, 2017 at 1:20 pm

For more information, please contact

Tom Figolah, Fire Prevention Officer, 812-349-3888

Bloomington Fire Department’s Receives ISO Class 2/2x Rating

Bloomington, Ind. -  Chief Jason Moore announced that Bloomington Fire Department improved scores in the latest Public Protection Classification (PPC) from the Insurance Service Office (ISO). The incorporated area for the City received an upgraded score of an ISO Class 2/2x rating. The score makes the City one of 11 in the state with a class two (2) rating, placing Bloomington in the top one percent of the 1593 Indiana communities protected by a fire department.

“Through Chief Moore’s leadership, the City has been able to quantify and qualify new BFD systems and standards,” said Mayor John Hamilton. “The good people of the department have improved attentiveness to firefighter fitness and overall health, updated BFD’s processes to include computer and GPS technology, and implemented uniform industry standards to enhance firefighter safety. I am very proud of the progress BFD has made through great teamwork and dedication.”

The new rating, which took effect November 1, may decrease annual insurance premiums for residential and commercial property owners within the City service area. Holders of insurance policies for properties within the City service area can contact insurance providers to determine how BFD’s new classification will impact premiums.

ISO is an independent company that serves insurance companies, communities, fire departments, insurance regulators, and others by providing information about risk. The office collects and evaluates structure fire suppression capability information from communities across the United States. Insurers can automatically assign a PPC to each risk they insure.

The classification review by the ISO representative focused on three main areas:

1) Emergency communications (emergency dispatch center)

2) Water supply systems (the amount of water necessary for fire suppression)

3) Fire department (equipment, staffing, training, geographic distribution of fire companies, operational considerations and community risk reduction)

BFD improved in areas of emergency reporting, training, inspection activities, and community risk reduction. To achieve its goal of receiving the highest ISO rating of ISO 1, which as of yet no community in Indiana has achieved, BFD seeks improved evaluations in areas of emergency communication, dispatch center circuits and telecommunications, enlarging its number of personnel, and deployment analysis.

“Achieving this milestone is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our community to include the membership of the City of Bloomington Fire Department, City of Bloomington Utilities, Monroe County Central Emergency Dispatch Center, and Indiana University Office of Insurance, Loss Control, and Claims,” Chief Moore said. “Upgrading our ISO rating is a recordable metric that proves our department is improving its service delivery, fire prevention activities, and ultimately making the community a safer place to live, work, and play.”
