Page last updated on February 26, 2018 at 5:12 pm
For more information, please contact
Mary Catherine Carmichael
Director of Public Engagement
Public Invited to B-Line Heights Groundbreaking Tuesday
Bloomington, Ind. - On Tuesday, February 27 at 1:30 p.m., the public is invited to a groundbreaking for the new B-Line Heights Apartments, scheduled for completion by August 2019. The groundbreaking, with a variety of speakers representing the Lieutenant Governor’s Office, the City of Bloomington, Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority, Energy Systems Network, and Duke Energy, will take place at 611 N. Rogers St. Light refreshments will be served.
B-Line Heights Apartments will be built in the Trades District with a mix of one-bedroom, two-bedroom and three-bedroom units. All 34 units are affordable, with 32 units serving families at or below 60% of the area median income, and 2 units serving families at or below 50% of the area median income. Between a Housing and Urban Development (HUD) subsidy and low-income housing tax credits, B-Line Heights ensures an overall affordability period of no less than 30 years.
“This groundbreaking is the culmination of efforts by government and private organizations over many months, each with the goal of increasing the availability of affordable housing in Bloomington. I hope this project is just one of many more we get to break ground for in the coming years,” commented Mayor John Hamilton.