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Page last updated on November 26, 2018 at 9:20 am

For more information, please contact

Scott Robinson
Assistant Director
Planning & Transportation Department

Next Round of Public Meetings On Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) November 27 and 28

Bloomington, Ind. -  The City of Bloomington Planning and Transportation Department will host the next series of public meetings to consider input on changes to the City’s Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Tuesday, November 27 and Wednesday, November 28.

During this round of meetings, the consultant team will direct input from board and commission members and other stakeholders toward the revision and refinement of development standards and incentives in order to create greater alignment between the objectives of the UDO and the Comprehensive Plan.  The meetings are scheduled using combined stakeholder or interest group invitations but are open for anyone to attend. Those attending will have the opportunity to ask questions of and share concerns with the consultant team, led by Clarion Associates, and City staff.

The next of multiple steps in the assessment process (Module 3 as detailed in the Project Summary), this step addresses changes to the review and adoption procedures and criteria for both new development and redevelopment projects.  It will also cover non-conforming uses, enforcement of the UDO, and other administrative functions of the UDO. Like prior modules, proposed changes to the existing UDO are footnoted and are aimed to implement the Comprehensive Plan.  

Some of these meetings may be attended by a quorum of members of various City boards, commissions, or the Common Council.  As such, these meetings may constitute meetings of these bodies and are open for the public to attend, observe, and record.  A detailed meeting schedule is available at the following site:

Stakeholders unable to attend their scheduled meeting time may attend other stakeholder meetings and/or attend one of the two general public meetings and/or may send a representative in their place. An annotated UDO for Module 3: Procedures and Administration will soon be available on the project website at Documents will be posted to the project website as they become available, and residents may register for email updates.
