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Tree Storm Debris Pick-Up Update

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Page last updated on April 18, 2023 at 12:01 pm

For more information, please contact

Andrew Krebbs, Communications Director, Office of the Mayor or 812-349-3406




Bloomington Community Survey Now Open to All Residents

Bloomington, Ind. – Beginning this week, the 2023 Bloomington Community Survey became open to all residents interested in participating. The survey may be accessed at


Beginning March 20, a random and scientific sample of 3,000 households were mailed invitations to participate in the survey. A second wave was mailed on March 27. Participants’ responses are confidential and will be weighted, analyzed, and published on the city’s open data portal B-Clear. Residents not selected randomly may now participate in the survey by completing it online using the link above. The results of residents who opt-in will be collected, analyzed, and published in a separate data set. Data collection for both the random sample survey and open participation survey closes May 1. A formal presentation of the results will be presented to the City Council in late May.


The survey asks residents for their perceptions about the quality and value of City services and current conditions in the community. This year’s responses will be compared with the previous three survey results as well as with a set of peer cities. As previously, the survey also asks a few new questions soliciting residents’ opinions on new or current City issues. Data gathered will help inform decision-making and identify shifts in public perceptions of City services and conditions. 


“All residents interested in participating in the survey are encouraged to do so,” said Mayor John Hamilton. “We want as much information and feedback from our community as we can receive, which is why we launched this scientifically administered survey six years ago. Reaching a true cross-section of our community ensures we hear from more diverse residents and those who may not attend public meetings or speak up. This feedback helps shape city government and city services. So please take the time to share your views!”  


The results of the 2017, 2019, and 2021 surveys are available at


The City of Bloomington B-Clear open data portal can be found at


The survey may be accessed at


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