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Page last updated on January 28, 2025 at 7:30 pm

For more information, please contact

Desiree DeMolina, Communications Director, Office of the Mayor or 812-349-3406

A Statement from Mayor Kerry Thomson

The City of Bloomington Mayor Kerry Thomson released the following statement today:

“Recent federal actions, including the attempted freeze on grants and loans and executive orders related to immigration, highlight the importance of local governments serving their communities with compassion and integrity. Here in Bloomington, we are committed to our core values of collaboration, service, and progress.

As these developments unfold, our work remains focused on maintaining essential services, advancing critical projects to better connect our community, ensuring our community’s safety and quality of place, and fostering opportunities for all residents to thrive. We are actively working with local, state, and federal partners to advocate for the resources needed to continue serving our community effectively and sustainably and to stand by our neighbors. 

In the spirit of transparency and accountable leadership, we will keep our residents informed as more information becomes available and will remain flexible, responsive, and innovative. Bloomington’s work continues.

For more information, please contact the Office of the Mayor at 812-349-3406 or”