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Bloomington Police Department Flips Switch On Solar


March 29, 2017

For more information, please contact:

Jacqui Bauer, Sustainability Coordinator, City of Bloomington Economic and Sustainable Development Department, 812-349-3837,

Bloomington Police Department Flips Switch On Solar

Bloomington, Ind. - On Thursday, March 30, Bloomington's Police Headquarters will become the latest large-scale commercial solar installation in Bloomington when the department flips the switch on the City of Bloomington's first significant solar installation of 2017.

"Police Headquarters is an ideal location for solar energy collection given the building's considerable 24/7 power consumption and its unshaded roof," said Mayor John Hamilton. "Investing in this technology helps shrink both the city's carbon footprint and its utility bill."

The 76-kilowatt system will produce 17 percent of the building's energy use and save nearly $9,000 in energy costs each year. At current electric rates, the system will pay for itself in under 20 years; in the likely event that rates increase over time, the payback will be even shorter.

The Police Headquarters solar installation was announced at the same time as the Solarize Bloomington Initiative, which enabled residents to participate in a discounted group purchase of solar across Monroe County. That program drew nearly 400 residents to information sessions, and resulted in 176 signed letters of intent to pursue residential solar installation. The final number of installations resulting from the program will be known in May, when final contracts are due.

In addition to the Police Headquarters installation, the City plans to equip the Showers Building (City Hall) with an even larger solar installation later this summer.
