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City Commissions Host Second Forum On Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction

October 18, 2006

For additional information:
Danise Alano; Assistant Director of Economic Development, City of Bloomington, (812) 349-3477
Christine Glaser; Commission on Sustainability, City of Bloomington, (812) 336-0360
Leon Bontrager; Home Energy, (574) 825-4800, [|]
Mark Underhill; WaterFurnace International, (317) 357-8454, [|]

Bloomington, IN -  The City of Bloomington's Commission on Sustainability and Environmental Commission will present the second of two public forums designed to help citizens understand their role in reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. The aim of both forums is to provide information about changes to everyday activities that may provide not only benefits for the planet, but benefits to the individuals as well.

The first forum, "Saving Money by Saving Energy%u2026and the Planet Too!" was held September 26 and featured practical information about energy efficiency measures in the home, plus tips for innovative home construction and remodeling techniques.

The upcoming forum, "Renewable Energy for You," will be held Monday, Oct. 23 at 7:00 pm in the Cook Room at the Bloomington Convention Center, 302 South College Avenue. Please note that this is a change of time and location from 6:30 pm at the City Hall Council Chambers as previously advertised.

The forum will present information for home and business owners about renewable energy sources appropriate for the southern Indiana region, including solar, wind and geothermal energy, as well as the parallel reductions in energy costs that accompany renewable energy use.

The agenda for the forum is as follows:

7:00 pm - Leon Bontrager of Home Energy from Goshen, Ind., will give a presentation on the use of solar and wind power for electricity generation in home and business.

7:45 pm - Mark Underhill of WaterFurnace International will discuss the use of geothermal systems for space heating and cooling and for water heating in home and business applications.

Both presentations will include information about the purchasing, installation and operating costs of those systems and environmental benefits associated with them. Forum attendees will have time to pose questions and engage in discussion after each presentation.

The forums are part of a series initiated by the City of Bloomington's Commission on Sustainability and Environmental Commission on practical ways individuals can reduce their use of fossil fuels, including petroleum, gas and coal. In April 2006, Mayor Mark Kruzan signed the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement, pledging the City of Bloomington's commitment to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

The events are free and open to the public.

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