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City of Bloomington Launches Phase II of B-Line Business Enhancement Grant Program

July 6, 2011

For more information, please contact:
Jared Schlemmer, Communications Director, City of Bloomington, 349.3406, []
Adam Wason, Assistant Economic Development Director, Small Business Affairs, City of Bloomington, 349.3419, []

Bloomington, IN -- Mayor Mark Kruzan announced today the launch of a second phase of a competitive grant program intended to seed private investment in property and other improvements along the B-Line Trail.

"We have always recognized the potential for the B-Line Trail not only to attract recreational and commuter activity, but also to be a catalyst for economic activity," said Kruzan. "This grant program is meant to seed both the imaginations of Trail businesses owners as well as the projects themselves."

The City of Bloomington's Department of Economic and Sustainable Development is partnering with the Bloomington Urban Enterprise Association (BUEA) to provide funds for the B-Line Business Enhancement Grant Program - Phase II. For-profit and nonprofit businesses adjacent to the 3.1-mile trail are eligible to apply.

"More than $14,000 in BUEA funding seeded six projects in 2009 in the first phase of the B-Line Trail," said Adam Wason, Assistant Economic Development Director for Small Business Affairs. "We're happy to join the BUEA and bring additional funds to bear for Phase II, open to entities along the B-Line's full 3.1 miles."

With funds from the Department's Promotion of Business budget joining the BUEA's designated funds, a total of $30,000 is available for Phase II of the grant program.

Examples of requests eligible to receive funding assistance may include, but are not limited to: relocation/creation of a customer entrance or access to face the B-Line Trail; addition of outdoor seating, bicycle parking or other amenities; enhancement of landscaping, installation of "green walls," or other beautification; installation of public art; or implementation of ADA-compliant entrances or path connections.

For priority consideration, entities interested should submit a letter of interest to the Department of Economic & Sustainable Development by July 25 summarizing project details. The letter should include goals, budget, timeline and a description of how the project will enhance applicant's business, specifically in leveraging opportunities presented by B-Line Trail. Grant requests will be reviewed as part of a competitive process. Preference will be given for businesses or organizations which did not receive funding in Phase I of the program. Requests should not exceed the amount of $4,000.

For more information on other economic development incentives available to businesses through the BUEA, please call 349-3508 or visit [|]. For additional information on the B-Line Business Enhancement Grant program contact Adam Wason at (812) 349-3419 or [].
