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Page last updated on July 24, 2017 at 3:42 pm

City of Bloomington Utilities Has Quick Response to Rash of Water Main Breaks


For Immediate Release

August 5, 2015

For more information please contact:

Jon Callahan, Public Affairs Specialist, City of Bloomington Utilities Department, 812.349.3940

City of Bloomington Utilities Has Quick Response to Rash of Water Main Breaks

Bloomington, Ind. - Crews from the City of Bloomington Utilities Department (CBU) responded to six water main breaks in the Central Zone of the water distribution system today. Crews will remain at the site of each main break until all repairs are completed, which is expected to be by the end of today, August 5.

CBU officials are still reviewing the data, but are confident the water main breaks are related to the change in conditions brought about by emptying CBU's largest water storage tank in the Central Zone. The tank is being emptied for an upcoming, scheduled routine painting.

Monroe Water Treatment Plant operators were aware of the change in conditions and had made the appropriate adjustments, but other factors with the distribution system, such as the age of the piping, fluctuations in water pressure and flow rate variations could have caused the water main breaks. Monroe Water Treatment Plant operators will continue to refine plant operations as needed to accommodate the change in conditions until the water storage tank is put back into service.

Customers experiencing discolored water are advised to flush their water lines, by running cold water through all fixtures, including the washing machine, until the water flows clear.

For instructions on how to flush water lines or for more information on the water main breaks, contact City of Bloomington Utilities at 812.339.1444. CBU will release further information as it becomes available.
